FIRMWARE RELEASES: firmware files, benefits and bugs for the Flytouch2 v2 /Superpad 2

Thanks again Chandos. It's shame about the speakers and the volume, don't think I'll be going to those lengths to get higher sound levels. The one thing Tims rom has sorted out is the charging LED, when the device was off and it was on charge the green LED was on all the time, so you never knew if it was fully charged or not, but now the LED goes off when fully charged so that's good.
Is it safe to remove some of the apps that Tims rom has, there are some that I probably wont use or need?
Sure, you can safely remove lots of them. You need to find the .apk in /system/app and rename it to something like .old using 'root explorer' or another app with root privileges. Reboot and the app will be gone. If anything goes funny, you can always rename the files back to .apk to get them to load again.
The market is still only showing free apps, have already done the clear cache and force close on the google services framwork, powered off and waited for a minuet or so and then powered on again but still only free apps. Any ideas?
Market has never shown paid apps for any of us. You need to find other ways of getting these apps if you need them.
Thanks Chandos
NP *8)
Thanks for the info. I really need to start learning more. I would love to unlock voltages in the kernel and undervolt this beast. I have a kernel on my epic 4g that lts me do this and my standby is like 4 days :). Hopefully if I get that good I can port gingerbread for the flytouch, wouldn't that be nice.

Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Android Tablet Forum
Theres a few people working on a honeycomb port for this device. No-one seems to have kernel source yet so its slow work.
I've seen them now for $150 US, I paid $180 in March. Go for it *8). Just make sure you get one with Model: Disco

Well with as much as our tablets do, 150 is a good sticker price. But with the right firmware, theyll be able todo so much more.

Sent from my LG Ally/Velocity 1.1, Ra Recovery
anyone know how to use gscript for the bluetooth drivers?

so like yea you go to gscript click on the bluetooth drivers but it doesnt pick up on my iogear bluetooth 2.0 usb micro adapter...[h=1][/h]
O maior problema que tenho é que não vem nativo o português. Queria saber se teria como atualizar o S.O. para ter a opção de por em português
Ainda não mas pode usar o morelocale 2// Not yet but you can use the morelocale app
if somebody need it.
im get it directly from the superpad factory!
this is the latest up2date firm
This firmware is 20110503 which the Tim 4.x ROMS are based off. I'd still recommend Tim's ROM over this one as he fixes much more things than the factory have. You can read his changelog linked in the first post. Also, this link contains the extracted rom, how do you install this or recompile it to the 2 firmware* files? Thanks for the post though!
Firstly can I say, Thank you Chandos, you are a legend. I have managed to sort all 3 of my Pads out with next to no knowledge of Epads, and only reading and re-reading the advice on these forums.
I see that there are constant posts asking the same old questions, that a simple forum search easily and quickly brings it to the fore.
All it's takes are simple steps, these steps need to be taken, Not by the creators of the posts but by those that need the information.
I say take the'll never look back.

One happy chap here!
Hello Chandos

I have just tried this update:

20110521 (CUSTOM ROM: Tim: Release 4e. Based off the 20110503 firmware)
Tested by: Chandos

It sees to have been a success as the start screen and apps have changed, however the system is showing this information.


Can you or someone else here advise if it has been a true update, partial or am I missing something. I followed the simple instructions and performed the update via a 4gig SD.
Hello Chandos

I have just tried this update:

20110521 (CUSTOM ROM: Tim: Release 4e. Based off the 20110503 firmware)
Tested by: Chandos

It sees to have been a success as the start screen and apps have changed, however the system is showing this information.
View attachment 2969

View attachment 2970

Can you or someone else here advise if it has been a true update, partial or am I missing something. I followed the simple instructions and performed the update via a 4gig SD.

Hi there,
My tablet came with the settings you are showing, with the exception that my kernel version is #47.

Also, could you tell me if you have tried plugging a a 3G adapter into your tablet? I'm reluctant to buy one until I find someone with a similar tablet operating as mine.

FYI, I am looking at either a Huawei E583C or E585, which are not much more expensive than a 3G dongle but, have a WIFI interface. Mobile Broadband. Takes the issue of 3G dongle out of the equation.

Also, which other apps were loaded?

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Hi Dwane, Sorry to say I have no experience with 3G adapters at this point. Screen shot shows apps after new Rom loaded.
Except for the following:
Adobe Reader
Android System Info
FLV Player
Titanium Backup
Z4 Root.

Hope this is of some help. As for the 3G question I can only sugggest more searching may dig up an answer for you.


I am wondering if the firmware discussed here can be used on my tablet. Here are some details of my tablet:

Settings -> Device info:
Modelno: Disco
Android version: Android2.2-20110325
Kernel version: zjd@dtlinuxserver #29
Buildnumber: FRF85B

Some specs from the box it came in:
Processor: ARM11 - 1,0 GHz / Infotm x220
Memory: 512Mb

- PC1002I
Disc: 8Gb Flash
Expandable memory: max. 16GB MicroSD oor USB flash memory

Size: 10 inch (25cm)
Resolution: 1024 x 600 pixels
Camera (front): 2.0 MP

I would be happy to post more details if needed!
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This Forum is sperb, thanks to everyone posting before me!

I have a SUPERPAD III - FRF85B - If anyone is interested this came in a superpad III box and wasn't great with the factory firmware. Ater reading this post I decided it was safe enough to bite the bullet and flash the firmware with Tims latest firmware update from page 1 of this forum. I couldn't believe the difference, it's like a completely different pad, you can see it outside as the screen is brighter and you can hear the sounds from the speakers.......Also the GPS navigation is now superb and there are far more options available for configuration.

So if you have a Superpad III - FRF85B - Froyo - Android 2.2 pad - I would suggest an upgrade to Tims latest firmware release.

All the best,

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