Help unbricking telechips TCC 8902 based 7" apad


Dec 26, 2010
I just bought a 7" Telechips M701 tcc8902 apad and I believe I have bricked it, I have tried several instructions from various posts, my device is USB detected using the VTC drivers on my Windows 7 32-bit machine and the process seems to go well up till the point where it does a CRC Check on the image file, then it freezes. I have not been able to get it past this point in my numerous attempts. I even tried the froyo 2.2 update with the same results, I just get the splash screen with the lovely butterfly. Please help
Is the FWDN showing you a green color window. Have you tried rebooting the pad after upgrading?
Is the FWDN showing you a green color window. Have you tried rebooting the pad after upgrading?

Yes it does, and I did try rebooting, I get the splash screen with the "lovely butterfly" but thats it. The upgrade always stops at the Check CRC stage and when I remove it, i get errors on CRC Check.

I take the above statement back, I never got a green window, which probably indicates the upgrade did not go well, Is this why it is doing a Check CRC and what does it mean, I have had 90+ views of this thread and not a clue, someone, anyone please help !!
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