Help with my Ainol NOVO 7 Paladin Version - Android 4.0


Mar 18, 2012
Hi im new to the android tablets and I bought a Ainol NOVO 7 Paladin Version - Android 4.0and I'm having a lot of problems with it as when I'm trying to download apps or games from the play shop it just says your devise isn't compatible with this item and even the eBay app it came with isn't working I contacted the seller and he said to try and download the apk file onto my laptop and put it on to the tablet I've googled this but can't anything to download???
can someone please help as its not much use when I can't use apps ?
Thank you
Hey. I've got this tablet on the way and I was just wondering if the internet works decently? Youtube, facebook?
Hi yeah there fine YouTube works well but I'm sending mine back tomorrow as its not working right. I think there's software missing off it but the man says the apps arnt working coz the 4.0 software is to new.
Help with my Ainol NOVO 7 Paladin Version - Android 4.0

any idea how I can get my tablet battery looked at? because it just decided to stop working this morning and until now nothings happened except for the battery just continuing to drain as I'm not using it to see how I can get it fix. i've only had this for 3 weeks. I'm not gonna take your guys' answer that its a piece of crap and that I'm done with it :mad:. I need an answer that will help me fix it anyway I can. this tablet was a gift from my relatives and they brought it from Hong Kong. I don't know what the warranty is so don't tell me to check my warranty. How can I get the battery checked out/ repaired if its a foreign product?
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