Helping Others Out


Oct 23, 2012
It would appear that meny on this forum have the knowledge and time to help others out with there tablet issues but are unwilling to actually do anything other than point and laugh at the NOOBS

If I may point out all of us start out as noobs at some point and require a little help from time to time even more advanced tablet users including but not limited to developers

Now I must also strongly earge some of you to get your fingers out your arses and help the other users of the forum as that's what forums are for and to the MODS can I also ask that you do the job of the mods and stop the bullying finger pointing and slating of the less advanced users and get some really answers handed over to the people that need them

I for one am still awaiting the answers to 2 questions and not received any help at all although I myself do not have the full knowledge I have still offered more assistance and helped out more in the few days that I've been on and not one of the mods or those with the knowledge have even helped
Hi bozie,

If you have indeed seen someone on the forum making fun of another member, why didn't you report it. There's a "Report Post" button on every post for that very reason, and one of the primary responsibilities of the staff is to respond to those reports. Every report is taken seriously, and the rules of the forum are enforced whenever necessary. Maintaining a polite, friendly, spam free atmosphere out there on the forum is the primary responsibility of the forum staff.

What is not our responsibility is answering questions the members have regarding their tablets etc. This is a forum, a place where users can get together, share their experiences, and help each other solve problems. You try to help other members when you can, and they try to help you when they can. I like to think most of our members live up to their part of that understanding. If you're waiting for answers to 2 of your questions, you're waiting for another member of the forum to come along who knows the answer to your questions. Since less than 5% of the people on the forum are members, maybe none of them knows the answer. If 100 people "View" your post, 95 of them are lurkers who couldn't post even if they knew the answer.

This forum is not a free "Geek Squad" or whatever you came here expecting it to be. If in the course of their real duties a staff member comes across a question they can help with, they will typically try to help. Not because it's their "job", but because they'd like to help and have the time to spare at that moment. As far as the Developers are concerned, I'd hope they'd help folks with problems they're having with the ROMs they've created, but anything beyond that would again be because they want to help. That said, I don't think a day goes by I don't see Developers helping with things totally unrelated to their development work.

I hope that helps clear things up a little for you. If not, this post that's been on the forum in the Q&A section might help:

I think that Spider did a great job of addressing your concerns.

I would like to add one additional point. Android is an open operating system and as such there are literally hundreds of variations, (over quite a few versions of Android), represented here that were designed for one of the many dozens of different tablets. You would not be the first to wait for someone who happened to be familiar with YOUR tablet and specific version of Android in order to get an answer.

But, better to be patient for someone who had an answer than for a dozen people to lead you astray.

There are well over a 1,000 different permutations for the forum members to deal with and sometimes it's just not all that easy to keep up with many of them. Fortunately we do have a few experts who know their stuff on several of the more mainstream tablets.

Also, (Spider alluded to this), the moderators are volunteers and most have other, real, paying jobs, so we do what we can, when we can.