honeycomb or gingerbread


Nov 9, 2011
im sure this has been asked over and over, but im new to android and will be buying a device soon, so i want to know should i get one with honeycomb on it since that was the first OS specifically for tablets or one with gingerbread and hope i can upgrade it later? im assuming gingerbread has more apps and support?
If you are getting one now then get a Honeycomb device because they generally have better hardware in them. If you can wait for IceCream devices to come out. The new Asus Transformer should come out in December.
thanks. since my price point is 250 and under, probably have to be gingerbread or older?
WOW!!! that is a screamin deal!!!

but...i dont think i want one that big, plus that thing weighs just a hair over 1.5 pounds, i'd be daff not to get that, but i'll keep looking, thanks for that link though!!
How about this BARNES & NOBLE | NOOK Tablet which is perfectly in your price point. Assuming it has the same openess as the Nook Color you should easily be able upgrade the or run a custom ROM.

Honeycomb is on its way out so there is no advantage to getting a tablet just because it has Honeycomb. Like Carbira said, the only advantage is that a tablet running Honeycomb is likely to have better specs. As long as you get the specs you want don't let the version of Android stop you.
How about this BARNES & NOBLE | NOOK Tablet which is perfectly in your price point. Assuming it has the same openess as the Nook Color you should easily be able upgrade the or run a custom ROM.

Honeycomb is on its way out so there is no advantage to getting a tablet just because it has Honeycomb. Like Carbira said, the only advantage is that a tablet running Honeycomb is likely to have better specs. As long as you get the specs you want don't let the version of Android stop you.

thats true, but i dont want to feel left behind. i mean ICS is the newest yeah, but then i would be 2 versions behind or should i not be thinking of this like windows xp vs windows 7??

and forget about merimobiles.com, i just tried to go there today and Chrome told me they have detected malware on the site and that they may have been hacked...anyway bestmid has the same tablet for 129, now to convince the wife!! LOL
thats true, but i dont want to feel left behind. i mean ICS is the newest yeah, but then i would be 2 versions behind or should i not be thinking of this like windows xp vs windows 7??

and forget about merimobiles.com, i just tried to go there today and Chrome told me they have detected malware on the site and that they may have been hacked...anyway bestmid has the same tablet for 129, now to convince the wife!! LOL

You definitely shouldn't be thinking about this like Windows! You won't be two versions behind either. If you want to look at this like Windows though you can consider Gingerbread=XP, Honeycomb=Vista and ICS=Windows 7. Honeycomb is sort of a failed experiment/stop gap that has led to a much improved ICS.

Gingerbread is plenty good and there are custom ROMs that have made it even better. ICS is coming out soon and will replace the Honeycomb. The Nook Color (and presumably Nook Tablet) is easily upgradeable and supported by the dev. community so it is going to have the latest Andriod version and custom ROMs very near to the release date of the source code by Google and probably much faster than companies like Motorola who insist on their own skins of Android which lead to long delays before they update to the latest Android.

Of course new devices will get the latest Android pre-installed but the updates for older devices are close behind unless the hardware company gets in the way. Unlike Windows the Android updates are free (for now) so you don't have to worry about being behind and upgrading. It doesn't cost you anything except a little waiting.

Get the best hardware you can afford, make sure the device is popular and supported by a community (like this one) and developers and try to get one that is fairly easy/open to mods. Then you will not have to worry about being behind. In fact the devs frequently implement things before Google does.

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thanks JP! great advice. starting my own comparison chart on the ones im interested in and will take everything into account, starting with the great info on this site!