How to download my music


Senior Member
Mar 29, 2012
As my SD card that fits my lap top is not the same size as the one needed for my ZT280-C91 so i have downloaded all my music unto my 2 G Sandisk M Stick all in MP3. When i insert the memory stick into the U S B port i can play all my songs on the media player on my ZT280-C91 but how do i download them into the ZT280-C91 from the memory stick hoping someone can help me please:(:(
Can't you just transfer (on your laptop) from the Memory Stick to your Micro SD card? of course you might need an adapter (costing pennies) to make your micro fit in the laptop.
Can't you just transfer (on your laptop) from the Memory Stick to your Micro SD card? of course you might need an adapter (costing pennies) to make your micro fit in the laptop.

So i have to buy a adaptor download from P C to the micro card but when i insert the micro card into the tablet how do i download the songs on the micro card onto the tablet . Also i take it that if i want to download anything to my tablet it mush be done through a micro card not a memory stick
I dunno! I honestly can't answer whether you can download to the ZT from the Memory stick. I suggest you pose that question in the Q and A forum on the front page, More people will see it there.
Why do you have to transfer the media from the SD to the tablet? You will kick yourself REALLY HARD for doing that when your tablet is full and you can't even download updates. (What happened to my Daughter's phone)

If you store your music on the micro SD card, you can still play it on the tablet, it doesn't affect the quality in the slightest. (as long as you have a decent quality micro SD card)

As soon as the tablet mounts the micro SD card, you won't know the difference between the external or the internal with regards to quality and speed.

If you use the micro SD card, then you will need to get hold of a MICRO SD TO SD ADAPTER...


Hope this helps...

sent from my Zenithink C91 (Upgrade) Tablet,
using Xparent Purple Tapatalk 2
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