i think i bricked my tablet please help >_<


Apr 13, 2012
I have a 7015b tablet and i think i may have soft bricked it. I was trying to do a back up through CWM and it froze half way through. after restarting it the only thing i can do is get into CWM, its a older version, 2.1 or somthing like that. If i try to boot normally it gos into fastboot mode and just stays there. I also think my CFM is messed up because none of the commands work. no matter what i try to do in it, restore, factory wipe reset, clear cache, anything, it freezes like half way through the process.

i had sdk set up and i can still do some commands in it but after i installed CWM some of the commands dont work anymore like they were before, su for example dosnt work anymore and it did before. my pc still recognizes it in device manager so i can still do some stuff in sdk. will installing custom firmware help my situation, and is it even possible to do so with how messed up my tablet is? are there any other methods or tricks i can use to get it back up and running? i saw a post about opening it up and shorting out pins but i would prefer not to open it up, i dont want to mess up and completely destroy if at all possible.
it really sucks i think there are some files in the ktz forums but im still waiting for an admin to approve my account so i can enter the forums. I can see the forum directories so can see there is probably something there that will help but cant log in so cant go into the forum -_-
I have a 7015b tablet and i think i may have soft bricked it. I was trying to do a back up through CWM and it froze half way through. after restarting it the only thing i can do is get into CWM, its a older version, 2.1 or somthing like that. If i try to boot normally it gos into fastboot mode and just stays there. I also think my CFM is messed up because none of the commands work. no matter what i try to do in it, restore, factory wipe reset, clear cache, anything, it freezes like half way through the process.

i had sdk set up and i can still do some commands in it but after i installed CWM some of the commands dont work anymore like they were before, su for example dosnt work anymore and it did before. my pc still recognizes it in device manager so i can still do some stuff in sdk. will installing custom firmware help my situation, and is it even possible to do so with how messed up my tablet is? are there any other methods or tricks i can use to get it back up and running? i saw a post about opening it up and shorting out pins but i would prefer not to open it up, i dont want to mess up and completely destroy if at all possible.

I'm in the same boat as you more or less. Let me know what you figure out and I'll do the same.
alright if i figure somthing out ill let ya know, i really wish the forum admin on ktz wuld approve ive been waiting for like 3 or 4 days now. It really sucks though, i think the clockworkrecoverymod i flashed wasnt the right version and it messed it all up. I think i may have to do that methos i saw of opening up the pins and shorting out 7&8