I'm back with an Archos now!


Dec 29, 2010
Hey guys... I was on here before in the Velocity Micro section. I was a very unhappy owner of a Velocity Micro Cruz Reader...and ended up returning it within a week of buying it due to the fact that the battery life was horrible, locked up constantly and nothing worked on it.

I ended up with an Archos 32 and I am VERY happy. So far everything has worked pretty good on it..... except the power switch. I'm on number 3 and hopefully number 3 is the one. Newegg replaced the first with the second, and Archos replaced the second with #3. They CLAIM I shouldn't have a problem again, but if I do they will be glad to replace it. Hopefully it's fine because I really like it. It may have a resistive screen, but it works good, unlike the Cruz's.

PS - I had great customer service with Archos if anyone was wondering.
From viewing others experience at Archosfans. There seemed to be some Quality issues in the first round of Gen 8 The following is only what I have observed
101- Highest QA from the beginning What appears to have fewest issues
70 - Seems to be dependent upon the model and when it was made. The 250-HD seems better (fewer complaints than the all flash)
32/43 - Some of the earliest had issues and seem to be improving
28 - Not enough data, Most complaints are about limitations over actual problems

Best of Luck
I was told that the certain serials had switch issues (Someone told me it was Serial numbers "PAxxxxxxxxx" through "PH or PJxxxxxxxxx") and that anything after that was fitted with a revised switch design. The first one I had was a "PB" serial and the second was a "PC" serial.

The 3rd is a PR serial and the switch feels different. It doesn't feel as "loose" as the first ones did.

I can't confirm any of this info as I found it doing a Google search on another forum.
-shrug-, I have the Archos 70 250 GB, so congrats on your Archos purchase and hope this time it works out lol