Kindle Fire VS. Nook Tablet


Nov 30, 2010
To me it looks a no brainer and the Nook Tablet would be the one to get as far as memory and stuff that worth the extra $50. Thing is I have never used either of these. I would like to know things like App availability and stuff from their "Markets". Are there free apps like on the Android market? Or do you have to pay for most of your Apps like on a Ipad? Who has better support if the product goes bad? What about web surfing experiences? You tube? Document stuff?

I understand neither is really out yet but I am more asking from experiences from prvious models of each. So I mean if you have a Kindle would you buy another one or would you rather try the Nook or other brand of tablet and visa-versa?
My wife preorder the fire, she had a kindle until some rasshole stole it, she have a nook not the color and hate it she also have the ipad2 wifi/3g.
as for which of the two will be more popular B&N did a slick move, without the dev community the nook will be moot i dont think they will sell half as much as the kindle fire only time will tell...