Lines on the Screen


Feb 19, 2013
Hello eveyone,

Last December I own my Asus TF700T. I didn't have problems, except for some automatic restarts.
The thing is now I can see lines that appear quickly and randomly on the screen. I think it has to do with the OS, because it appears some times when I activate the taskbar, but it also invariably happens in the web browser or books reader.

Is this a hardware problem? Or is an Android issue, considering the lines appear a few days later I've moved to 4.1.

Thanks for your attention.
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Welcome aboard, glad y7ou joined us.

It may be OS related but also could be something wrong with the screen hardware, (technically a digitizer). If you feel it may be related to the OS, it's possibly an app causing it. The only surefire way to find out if it is hardware or not would be to do a full factory reset then on setting back up tell it not to sync with Google.That would keep the apps from re-installing. Then if you used it bare stock for a few days and didn't have the problem you would have narrowed it down.

Make certain you use the App Backup app to backup all your apps and associated settings and copy any other data somewhere else.
I've done a full factory reset, and the problem seems to continue. Althought I'm not sure if I understood your advice. If it's a OS issue (and I mean a Jeally Bean issue) this doesn't solve the problem, because the reset doesn't downgrade to Ice Cream Sandwich, as I thought it would. So, there is a way to preserve warranty and downgrade to ICS?

Searching for similar cases I've found a thread in Xda were you can read pages of Asus users arguing about this (if it's forbbiden to paste links of outside forums, please erase it):

Any fix for black lines flashing across screen? - xda-developers

It's almost funny to read how the "blackliness" seems to decrease with updates or increase with some apps.. The truth is I'm very frustated for this, the tf700 isn't a cheap tablet. Everyone is assuming it as a JB problem. I'm not sure if these lines were in ICS, so I can't tell...

And the *$%& line keep showing whle I'm writing this.

What I meant was that if it was an OS issue, in combination with an app, a factory reset would clear it up. It would not be a JB or ICS problem. Sorry, I could have done a better job of explaining it.