M701-R Haipad VLC Video Streaming?


Senior Member
Oct 10, 2010
Can anyone explain or point me to a step-by-step guide on how to use VLC to stream video from my home computer to my M701-R?

I've got the programs set up (Latest VLC on the laptop, AndTV & VLC S&C Free on the M701-R) but can't seem to figure out what settings to use or which IP numbers are supposed to go where.

There are many guides online but none seem to say exactly what to do like "The IP of your laptop goes in this box. The IP of your device goes here. Choose format X to stream to ...."
i think you have to use something like androidvnc because until the official vlc player comes out i dont think there is a way to stream it but you could just try some of these apps instead 7 Top Applications for Android to Stream Music and Videos from PC


Homepipe doesn't seem to do anything but list files on my C drive.

I find lots of theoretical articles like this one but little reality.

Apps VLC S&C Free & AndTV will stream video if only I could figure out how to configure the laptop as a VLC server.
I'll give it another try. Thanks. You've got it streaming?

Well, yes and no. I did get the connection between my desktop VLC web interface and the tablet VLC S&C app working (it shows a little traffic cone in my notification area telling me when it is, or isn't, connected to the VLC server) - but I've yet to get it to successfully stream any content. The tablet works fine as a remote control for VLC running on the desktop but when I try to stream something to the tablet it says "Too Many Errors" - but I can see the title/info for the file and the "playhead" is moving on the player interface in sync with what's playing on my desktop. But I wouldn't say I've got it to successfully stream audio or video yet.

I believe the limited number of codecs VLC S&C can play - and over what protocol - is part of the problem. What I mean is:

HTTP Streaming: MP3 only, no video
RTSP Streaming: AAC audio only, H.264, H.263, or MPEG-4 video only
Convert on Computer: AAC, MP3, OGG Vorbis audio / H.264 video only

Then, under each protocol you have to SET which audio/video codec you'll use, bitrates, etc. and I presume the files you are streaming FROM your desktop system have to have the exact same parameters AND encapsulate the file in the compatible container. This is kind of where I'm stuck because I don't want to transcode my entire media library just for this player app on my tablet!

I've frankly had much more success streaming audio and video over my LAN with ES File Explorer than any of the media apps.
I need to look into this because the 2GB of internal memoery and the 8GB SD card i have no not give the 1080p support i would like '^^
Streaming 1080p via WLAN from the PC to the HDMI port would be great!
@Loonix - yeah that would be great. Let me know if you ever get high resolution video to stream. I've only had success with low bitrate wmv files over my LAN.