MID1024 - Covers & Cases


Oct 10, 2011
Please use this thread to post links for purchasing MID1024 Covers & Cases.

The fake leather cases appear to be available the most, but are there any rubber cases available? If not customized then at least some that fit the MID 1024?

There is a great dev community for this model going, now let's talk about protecting the investment :)

I am looking for a screen cover. the kind that wont scratch. I have some for my Captivate from Xtreme Guard Screen Protectors, but they dont offer any for the Kyros. wont even tell me if they have one in teh size range. these are the best screen covers available. I have had mine for a year and you cannot tell...
Hi, after seeking for a Kyros protector and not finding anything I decided to buy a Xtreme Guard for Motorola Xoom and just had to use a stylet with a rule to cut the Protector to fit the MID1024 size. It is working perfectly!!!