MS Office VBA Development for Tablet


Apr 9, 2011
Will MS Office development (VBA) that I do for MS Word on a PC, run on a tablet?

I do some VBA programming to customize documents for businesses. For example, I might use VBA programming to develop a template where the end user says "New letter" and a dialog box pops up, prompting them for information like who the letter is to, who the author is, etc. The VBA code running behind the word template may pull data from an access or XML data source. I also create global templates that load custom menu options into Word when Word opens.

I see there are some programs like Docs to go and Quick Office Pro that let people view and edit MS Office documents on their tablets. I assume one of these is needed to even open the Word doc on the tablet.

Can anyone tell me -- if I have one of these, will my word templates be able to run the VBA code once they are installed on a tablet? I would do the programming on a regular PC, but would need the features I add to them that work on a regular PC to also work when they're on a tablet.

I am getting a XOOM Honeycomb tablet, but I'm concerned about doing this for my clients, who would have many different tablets.

Thanks so much for any feedback.
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Unfortunately without a report and recode, the simple answer is no. I think there are some VB converters and might be potentially capable. But in my experience, this is sometimes more problems in debugging and simply learning a new program stack. The apps that read .doc and .docx are usually doing strip conversion and the integrated macros are stripped away or made inactive.
Much of the time a template will get converted and results look hinky. I wish you best of luck. What I have seem some people do is convert the document into a different format entirely for making the functionality. ie HTML or XML.

Best of luck

Thanks so much for your reply.

I had a feeling it wasn't going to be be that simple. (Though it would be if I could just install Word on the tablet!)

I don't picture people typing and formatting long docs on a tablet so much as I can picture them editing existing ones and/or completing form info that creates a doc for them. Things they might want to do "on the fly."

Thanks again!