OfficeSuite Pro Messes with MS Word Spellchecker


Jan 16, 2012
I use Dropbox to give me access to my PC documents on my tablet. As I wanted to be able to create new (and edit existing) documents, I installed the paid-for version of OfficeSuite Pro.

Up to a point, this works fine, but a couple of days ago I added a complete extra paragraph via my Nexus 7 to something I had written on my PC. When I came back to the editted version on my PC, MSWord had lost the means to run Spellcheck. I tried all of the likely 'switches' within Options. Even simple copying and pasting to a new document doesn't work, so it looks like OfficeSuite has altered the individual document's format in some way. In the end, I ran a copy>paste special>unformatted text into a new Word document, and after that, Spellchecker was running again.

I'm not sure what the lesson to be learned here is - maybe just don't edit anything in OfficeSuite. I haven't tried creating a new doc in the app yet, to see if that also can't be spellchecked in Word.
My guess is that you have discovered that some cut and paste operations can take some code you can't see along with the cut operation and the paste messed it up. Doing unformatted paste is the solution. I know that's not a solution but it also is something that happens a lot and will eventually mess up a document if done frequently enough.
Thanks for that. However, what I was really driving at, is the fact that even if you put a 'deliberate' spelling or grammar error into a document on the mobile app and save it to Dropbox, MS Word doesn't show them as errors once viewed again on the PC, in fact all ability to run spellcheck is lost. You can even try to introduce a known spelling error from your PC and it doesn't underline it. I've tried all the usual options and check-boxes in MS Word to no avail. So it's looking like OfficeSuite is the culprit here, and the document was fine until editted on the tablet.

As a test of that theory, I'll try to create a new document on OfficeSuite, save it with known spelling errors, and see what MS Word thinks of it later.

EDIT - I have now put my theory to the test and it does indeed seem that it's OfficeSuite that's at fault. I created a new document using the phrase 'this is a tist document' which OfficeSuite then prompted that 'tist' was wrong. I saved it without correction in Word97-2003 format not .docx, and lo and behold, MS Word shows it verbatim with no underlining of the spelling error. Likewise, introducing new errors via MSWord also caused nothing to be underlined so somewhere along the line, docs created or editted with the OfficeSuite app lose their ability to be spellchecked by MSWord.
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Then it sounds like you have found an OfficeSuite bug. Can you try the same thing with Kingsoft Office?
I dupliated you problem on my tablet and PC ith Officesuite. I went into tools, options, spelling and grammer and reset the spelling and grammer check. Again it did not find the spelling error in this doc. Soell check works in other files that did mot got through Officesuite. I checked the secrity settings and nothing there is out of the norm. I added spelling errors to the doc from Officesuite and they were not found. I deleted all text and retyped with errors and none were found. I saved and reopened the doc in Office and it still did not find errors. You should probably let know and send them to this thread.
I have played for the last hour and found no soltion. Also, I did not copy and Paste anything to rule out the suggestion in the previous post.
I does indeed start to point to a bug in OfficeSuite. I'll get onto it. I tried Kingsoft Office but this gave me other problems, like it would only read half of my documents sensibly, the rest showing all of their code and stuff as well as the text.

EDIT: I have now tried Quickoffice Pro, and shiver me timbers, it's just the same. I introduced a spelling error whilst using it, saved the document, and once back at my PC, MSWord refused to see it as an error!

Likewise, it refused to underline any new errors introduced deliberately and refuses to have Spellchecker turned back on. It therefore seems that productivity suite apps in general have some kind of problem when sharing their docs with MSWord
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