NC Locking Up After Being Fully Charged


Senior Member
Dec 31, 2010
Hey Team,

I have CM7 on my NC and am generally very happy with it. The only thing that annoys me a bit is that it seems to lock up once fully charged. The backlighting is on at a very low level and pressing the n or power button does nothing. A long press of the power button will power it off and I can then power it back on again.
Not a big problem but annoying all the same. Anyone seen this?

Was this issue with 7.1.0 stable or another version? I don't believe I have heard about this particular error.
In the "About" it says Android Version of 2.3.7, Kernel version of, Mod Version CM7.1.0-encore and build number of GWK74.
Definitely not normal. Maybe try a fresh install of CM7 or restore a backup and see if that helps.
I hope it's not normal ;) Not too worried about it at the moment as I'm traveling a lot at the moment and I don't want to be left without my NC... I'd go stir crazy :D

Like I said, it's not a biggy. I'll do a fresh install when I get the chance.
