New Pandigital 7" Novel black owner


Dec 12, 2011
Just got the tab and trying to figure out how things work. It's more complicated than my iPhone 4, so my patience is being tested. There is lot of confusion about the various versions of Android OS. Also the postings use a lot of TLAs ( three letter acronyms) that I do not know.
My experience so far is positive but I am having problems with the WiFi connection going out even though I'm in eye shot of my Linksys wireless router.
Hi Jbkinn,

Welcome to the board, glad you could join us. We have a Pandigital Forum here on the board, I am sure you'll be able to get help there. Hope you get it running to your liking soon. :)
Welcome to the forums! Pamster just posted a great link for you. Don't be shy about asking questions. Android can be very intimidating for people that have never used it. Throw in all those acronyms and it's no wonder your head is spinning :)

You are on a great forum and you will be taken care of. good luck and welcome aboard