New tablet, user lacking android knowledge...


Jul 26, 2012
Hi, Ive recently got the Samsung galaxy tab 10.1 (wifi only), and its great but im very much used to pc, so i need a few gaps in my knowledge of android filling for me please.

At the moment I am wishing to back up my tablet -mainly just the apps in case i need to do a factory reset in the future, but possibly user settings and browser bookmarks too.
My first stumbling block is how/where data is actually stored on the tablet? My tablet says it has 16gb storage (obviously though, i realize some will be used for the system). I suppose the memory type is a flash card of some kind? if so is it just one 16gb, if it is then is it more or less partitioned like a hard drive can be? Or does it have more than one memory type ie a system memory on a flash card as well as user data on a flash card?
This will help me in understanding the back up process :)

as far as the back up process goes, ive found it a bit puzzling. im more than happy to just use a free app that backs up only my apps onto a removable sd card via a samsung to sd adaptor i have already. so i'd downloaded a few apps that seem to do the job; ultimate backup, AppMonster free, iSdBackup. then i mounted the sd card adaptor and inserted a 16gb sd card into it. it immediately showed launched the 'files' app, detailing the pathway /root/storages/usb/sda to it, so i opened 'ultimate backup', selected all apps, then hit the backup button, it showed a progress bar and informed it was backing up the apps before finishing by alerting me with a notification and vibration, (seems to have missed the wikipedia app but thats ok). now i come to check its done it okay, since i want to know its all worked safely and i can forget about worrying about it, so i turn off the tablet, put the sd card into my pc via a usb adaptor. it shows me a familiar folder name 'LOST.DIR', inside the folder is nothing and the sd card has used a mere 96 kb, despite knowing myself that the tablet has 900mb of apps on it and 'ultimate back up' app telling me it had successfully backed up my apps. so im a bit confused here to where im going wrong, if its saying its backed up the apps then where to? i havent set up an online account to backup my apps to and it doesnt seem that ive duplicated the apps on the tablet either, yet the sd card is just showing an empty folder when i insert it into the pc to check whats on it.

also its worth noting that i go through more or less the same process with the AppMonster free app and i dont get any evidence (other than the app itself) showing me its backed up. with 'iSdBackup' it said it too had backed up my apps and when i put the sd card into the computer it did show a different folder name however this was also just an empty folder too.

all help would be greatly appreciated, thanks for reading.
Welcome to the forum!

Most likely your data is being backed up to the /mnt/sdcard/ (or /sdcard/) directory which on your tablet is the internal storage.

Why? Because most phones with little internal storage mount the external storage there. Devices (like tablets) with more storage call the internal storage /sdcard/.

Also, not all android devices mount the storage in the same location.

Asus: /Removable/microSD/
Acer: /mnt/ExternalSD/
Asus AOKP JellyBean: /storage/sdcard1/

Check to see if you can set the external backup location within the app backup settings. If not, you will have to find where the files are placed on the internal (/sdcard/) and use a file explorer app to move them to the external.
okay after exploring the file table further the backup is set to internal and it was exactly where you said, so i have located the external sd card and copied the files into there. but it doesnt seem to allow me to change file location (perhaps thats only the paid version? -i will have to contact the developers to ask them) however now the apps are on the sd card at least which is what i was after so thanks for your help and support with this issue.
some questions i do have though is are the apps now installable from that sd card? (with assistance of an app bypassing the play store installer i'd guess)?
also rather than tidy single files per app they are contained in folders with two or three files inside but i imagine this is normal?
You can run the .apk file from the external, but it will then install the app on the internal memory. Most tablets do not allow moving apps to the external storage.

Part of the reason for the multiple files is that one file is the installer, the others contain data to restore to the app to save your progress in Angry Birds. You will need the app you backed it up with to restore the data properly. But, you will not need the Play Store other than to restore the app you used to do the backups, and probably a file manager to move your backups back to the internal memory so it can read them to restore them.