Newbie : What Tablet and where to buy?


Feb 28, 2011
Hi I'm new to tablets but not to tech, been in IT for over 20 years. What's driving me to get a tablet is so I can get my tech books in PDF format instead of buying more big bulky books.

I think I might want a tablet running Android 2.2, 512RAM, 4GB, 7" capacitive Multi-touch screen with the ability to upgrade the firmware and from a trusted vendor with a good track record. The ones I've been looking at are the Dropad M7009 and Herotab C8/Dropad A8 ; are they all one in the same? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I have the spec's you want on my Elocity A 7, new updated model has capacitive screen, will be out this month(March) company is based in Philadelphia , with Tegra-250 Dual core 1.25 ghz , it will be able to upgrade 3.0 from downloads when it's available. You can get Elocity at a deal from also, I had A8 Cortex Freescale with1 ghz, 512 ram , 4gb internal , 32 gb sd slot, it lasted about 3 hours then committed suicide , Sent back to Shenhzen, China vendor , whom I found out has screwed more customers than Pamela Anderson!
Thanks for the info, sounds what I looking for, Elocity has a nice web site, I like I was able to download the manual. Also, I wasn't too thrilled with dealing with some of vendors from China and getting screwed... they get your attention with the low prices and then take your money.
So like anything else to make sure you are getting the real thing, deal with a reputable vendor. Also, I know you can download Adobe reader for PDF files for Android, have you used this program on a tablet? If how was it ? Thanks,
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I want to buy a new Android tablet. That should be full of features and best performance. And I want that in affordable price. Suggest me which will be best for me?