No Netflix on Haipad M701-R ?

Yes, Netflix works on the Haipad. I have it running on my M701-R clone upgraded to 2.3.1, which is not bad for a $89/shipped device, which is what I paid when pandawill had them on sale! There is no need to download any special apk file, just make the following changes and download Netflix from the market. Assuming you have the 2.3.1 update, all you do is edit /system/build.prop file using ADB file explorer (or similar) with the following settings and reboot (be sure to back up your existing build.prop first!). Here are the steps: Pull the /system/build.prop file from your tablet to a local drive on your PC using ADB file explorer, make a copy of the original build.prop file, change the entries below using a text editor, push the edited build.prop file back to it's original directory (/system) on your tablet and then reboot.

ro.product.model=Nexus S
# is obsolete; use ro.product.device

edit: you may not need to change everything above to get Netflix to work, and not everything above will be different from the current entries in your existing build.prop file. I just duplicated the ro.product section from a Nexus S build.prop because that phone is known to work with Netflix. You may want to experiment to see what changes are really needed.
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Netflix updated their app today and closed the loophole that allowed it to work on unsupported devices, so it no longer works on the M701-R. Apparently, an older version works, but only on 3G and not on wifi, so it really doesn't help most of us. It's a shame because Netflix ran well on my M701-R. I'm hoping that it's just a short-term bandwidth issue at Netflix due to so many new devices accessing Netflix lately, causing them to restrict the service to just the approved Android devices.
well, they fixed it. It was a short-term glitch, or maybe they changed their minds and decided to keep us all as customers, but at least Netflix is working again on my M701-r.
I just flashed my firmware from the ancient 2.1 to 2.3.1 (modby albertdsh, downloaded the Netflix app, signed in. When I load a show it goes back to the main menu though. I do have an 8gb SD card in for memory purposes so I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong here.
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