Noob with HTC EVO View


Jul 24, 2011
Hello. I seem to be the only SAP that gave it up for the new View, LOL. I was wondering 1: could someone start a separate thread for the EVO related issues, and 2: will I damage the unit by installing ADW?THANKS!! Thanks for taking the time to answer.
The view runs 2.2 correct? If so then adw should work fine on it.
Yes it does, but will it ruin the lock screen? Also, I use the EVO 4G phone (and am loving it), which I use ADW on, and I noticed that launch-X Pro or anything like it is not available for the tablet. Do you know of a program like it that I can use to add more apps to the home screen? I miss my ability to jump from app to app and tickle my ADD pink. :cool:
- Thanks in advance, Cher
Hi Cher, now you know we see you just fine where you are and will try to help if we can. I'm not sure how an EVO section would help. Since you'd be the only one there, you'd have to answer all your own questions.:)