Note-Taking App With "Add-Space" Functionality?


Junior Member
Nov 2, 2018

Please which Android note-taking apps can add blank space between existing contents?
Edit: I am referring to drawing note with a stylus pen.

For example, say I write five pages of notes and then I want to add a new paragraph in the middle of page 2.

The functionality is present in OneNote for Windows since about 10 years, but is not present in OneNote for Android. Samsung Note only allows to add whole pages. What about the others?

Kind Regards
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Hello Traveller, thanks but I was implying that I need to draw the notes with a stylus pen instead of typing them:


I would also prefer to avoid Evernote because it asks for too many permissions. Any other suggestion?
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Here is list of more 10+ note taking apps.
Different people use/need different features so it depends.
I love Squid ( compatible with android OS ) app because I use it for my handwritten notes.