Nothing seems to work. need ideas


Dec 5, 2010
I've have been following all the tuts online and I can't seem to get anything to work right.
First off I believe I have a newer build. Would that be why nothings working for me?
-Android for Telechips TCC8900 Evaluation board(multi language)
-Firmware version, 2.1 update 1
-Kernal version , 2.6.29 / hengai@liv-and-ser #214
-build number, telechips_tcc8900_multi-eng 2.1-update 1 Eclair eng.hengai.20101001.162734 test keys

I'm running wind 7 home prem. x64

I was going the lincs pirate patch route, installed the pda driver, can't do the boot into recovery mode. to factory reset. The command line never gets past "waiting for device", new hardware dialog never shows up. 2 days of frustration and I'm back at the start.
Any help would be appreciated.
Just as a painful detail which I learned the hard way. Win7 64bit version (any type) seems to cause difficulty on the PC side. Almost all of the apps on the PC side were designed for XP and 32bit.
I honestly would suggest going back and re-reading the tutorials. If it is not the Win64, then it is some little step you are missing. That has been my experience.
even if u gget it to install it will fubar ur tablet i learned the hardway i rooted it and got clockwork on it but it would not recognice sd card in clockwork so i was not able to make a backup and now after finally getting the update method for the older versions to install its running the old software on it and wifi will not work and it takes FOREVER to boot up a and the lock screen is non existant.

Leave well enough alone because auto rotate will no longer work either.

Can u do me a favor and make a copy of ur system folder with droid exporer or root xplorer and post it for download? because i would like to try and atleast get wifi working again :(

rooting the device is cake just use z4root permenant method. please reply with a yes or no on the system folder :(
Maybe I can help you out. I have the newest operating sytem and have now found a lot of things out to get this tablet running up to snuff. I even got a new bootanimation up and can change that as I want. if all you need is me to adb pull a copy of my system folder than will do it for ya. Just let me know.

Edit: I'm currently working on a new more eye appealing theme, to makd the tablets framework not look so generic.
Sent from my SPH-M900 using Android Tablet Forum App
If u could do that it would be great cause my tablet is pretty much worthless right now with no wifi :(

i bet system folder and system.prop would get me going again
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Also was u ever able to get clockwork recovery going with working sd card? as i got it flashed but it would not recognize my sd card so i could not make a nandroid.
Ok I'm gonna pull it now. And no recovery working. Not to concerned about that unless they start making other roms for it. I'm able to push stuff via terminal emulator for now

Sent from my SPH-M900 using Android Tablet Forum App
awesome i really hope this will fix it. Got this as a kinda gift for my wife to use for nook reading and i jacked it up in 2 days :p
ty man im gonna see what i can do. what is the best way to use this in ur opinoin? go to recovery mount system folder and use droid explorer?
I would place the system folder in the zip into your android-sdk-windows/tools folder. Then open up windows cmd and use adb push to get it to your phone.
It will over write your exsisting system folder, and then type adb shell which will drop you down with a # sign then type reboot. If you haven't already done this let me replace a file in the dropbox download so that it will give you a different boot image. The one in there is just a black screen.

Edit: now if you redownload the file again I included a new framework and boot animation in it. Enjoy
Sent from my SPH-M900 using Android Tablet Forum App
hmmf dont think this is gonna work just sitting at little rat dude forever :( prob gonna have to run update again and be jacked up again wish i could replace the system.img in the update with one for our newer gentouches.
I was wonering if this would work for you by trying to replace the entire system directory! Since you are basically sitting dead in the water with your tablet< try and adb push the files inside the system folder I gave you one by one. I would start with wifi folder. Plus I will look as if it is hanging up because I had a blank bootanimaton screen in that first download zip I put there for you. Plz download it again because it has some new stuff in there for you. Try list below and tell me how it goes.

Zip file download here:

place the system folder out of your zip file into your android-sdk-windows/ tools folder. then open up your windows cmd window

Type cd android-sdk-windows/tools/system then hit enter
Type adb devices then enter ( to make sure your device is being seen)
Type adb remount then enter ( this will make sure your in read/write and will start daemon if it wasn't already)

hit enter after typing all lines of code below!

All these lines are typed the same way. Were gonna push every folder and file within the system folder individually.
* remeber there is a space before typing the / mark in these lines but no space after that / mark, just immediately type system after it.*

Type adb push wifi /system
Type adb push framework /system
Type adb push xbin /system
Type adb push usr /system
Type adb push tts /system
Type adb push media /system
Type adb push lib /system
Type adb push fonts /system
Type adb push etc /system
Type adb push bin /system
Type adb push app /system
Type adb push build.prop /system
Type adb push BCM4325D0.hcd /system
Type adb push BCM4325D1_004.002.004.0076.0100.hcd /system
Type adb push key_921600.psr /system
Type adb push key_3000000.psr /system
Type adb push sample.bdaddr /system

Now for the last step:
Type adb shell
Type reboot

Now remember that your tablet is going to take longer than the norm to boot up for this first time since we have copied over the entire system files. It will get quicker on the next reboots since it will have created cache in the dalvik already after that first boot.

this is what your tablet will look like with the subtle changes I made to the framework below

Custom Boot screen instead of that horrid blue with ugly looking android

Desktop with alter status bar color,icons and a new Transparent pull down status bar
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dang that looks nice!

Im getting no adb error :(

Should i just be booted up regular when i try this?

Ok got adb working tryed to do everything and delete davlik cache but just got bootscreen to rat to bootscreen loop. trying just framework and wifi right now see what that does :p
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Well after hours of trying i sent it back for a return :p i like ur theme alot and would love to use it on the one i get back but at this point until there is a working cw recovery so i can make a backup im gonna leave it be :(