Official 2.2 Release for S7 from Huawei - Update? Status = 'Released in Indonesia'

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Staff member
Sep 24, 2010
The following is an update as posted by a Huawei Engineer on the official Huawei Forums, by someone that has previously been found to be reliable:

Huawei Staff
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Registered: 2011-1-7
Re: 2.2 update
Posted: 2011-01-25 10:55

We plan to release the Android 2.2 for S7 in Feb. or March.
Thank you for your concern for out product."
Last edited:
Cant do thanks on the app only on the site :(

Sent from my Huawei Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
great news :D thanks Pbruaer , i'm happier that Huawei are listening to us more than they are updating because the only way to have a successful product these days is to have a strong team to update the system when needed, points to Huawei if they release on date.
No credit/thanks to me for providing this information and quote?
I see now you posted it too. Sorry I am watching so many different threads I do miss things.

I copied this off the Huawei Technical Forums, but I see you did too....and what is posted it here first!
I was over at the huawei forums and read, as of 1/15 they were not going to update it to 2. 2. Instead they wanted to back down to like 1. 5 Or something crazy. I just got mine today, so they have 30 days or I'll be returning it. Hate it to do it but I just want progressive technology.
Did we read the first post in this thread? That is from the forum, and yes it is still there, I have seen it. The zt guy at that forum seems to be lets keep having fun with our devices and good things come to those that wait.

There is no company in their right mind that would downgrade their OS.
If they do downgrade which i dont foresee there will still be upgrades just not "official" upgrades. I do hope they do, mainly for flash and a2sd dont know what else to expect from it... Fingers crossed and ready for Huawei keep up with all other mfgs, this is their first foray into the us market and this product could make or break them and i <3 my S7 and i would like to keep it relevant for as long as possible a i dont plan on purchasing a new tab for at last 2 years, i know i have heard alot of folks saying that this is kind of a temp tab until better comes along but i have made my cpu last 6+ years and it still runs like a champ, and had my bb curve 8310 for 3+ years so i expect that i can and should be able to pull atleast that long out of this fine device.

Sent from my Huawei Ideos S7 using Android Tablet Forum App
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