Official 2.2 Release for S7 from Huawei - Update? Status = 'Released in Indonesia'

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is it our device s7 support flash 10.1 after froyo 2.2?
could it play facebook games?

I have Joenilan's 2.2 Indo rom currently. Adobe Flash has since updated to 10.3 and so far, no, the FB games don't play. They will load partially, but eventually I get a white screen that has gray circle with an exclamation mark. Browsing Flash support forums, Flash support says it's a memory issue but can't really tell much else about it. FB support says it's a flash issue. Kind of disappointing.
I have Joenilan's 2.2 Indo rom currently. Adobe Flash has since updated to 10.3 and so far, no, the FB games don't play. They will load partially, but eventually I get a white screen that has gray circle with an exclamation mark. Browsing Flash support forums, Flash support says it's a memory issue but can't really tell much else about it. FB support says it's a flash issue. Kind of disappointing.

When I got 2.2 installed I attempted to go to to play some flash. The vids played very well! I thought, how would a game play? So I attempted to load some games I've had experience playing. Well come to find that a lot of flash games are programmed for keyboard. So I couldn't play any of those types cuz the keyboard would take up half the screen. So then I attempted some simple click type games. The accuracy was horrible. Have you ever loaded a flash vid and attempted to full screen with the full screen button? It doesn't work. You have to press and hold in the middle of the vid and Flash brings up it's own full screen function. Then, once you go to full screen, the buttons are a little easier to deal with. Unfortunately I've not found many games that have a full screen option, making them unplayable.

So, I'm just going to stick with some of the Market games for now. I'll wait to see if Gamestring Adrenaline will ever be released. I hope it does one day and it's not vaporware.
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