READ FIRST: Development Index and Root Utility

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Staff member
Jun 16, 2012
This index is simply a method of keeping what I believe is the relevant development stuff in one place to make it easier for people to find. If there is something you feel should be added to this list, go ahead and post it.

Rooting and Dump Utility for Windows
Since one of our posters had questions regarding the actual order in which things should be done, I went and revised the entire thread to try and make it easier to follow.

The basic procedure to root devices can be broken down into the following steps:

  • Download root tool and ADB drivers.
  • Root.
  • Create System dump.
This root utility only works with tablets that use an Allwinner or VI Micro CPU. For tablets using the Telechips CPU (7034, 7036, 7048, 8048, possibly 7030 and 7032), root your tablets using the flashable zip created by Vampirefo here or here.

Download root tool and ADB drivers: Rooting the tablet requires the following tools.

Follow the link given for the ADB drivers above and download the drivers from that link. Unzip the driver package to a directory and follow the instructions at the link to install the drivers onto your system. Download the root utility from the link given and unzip its contents to a directory on your hard drive.

Root: Before attempting to root, read the following disclaimer.

Disclaimer: There have been incidents recently (as of 10/22/12) regarding devices either becoming bricked or being rendered so unstable as to be virtually useless. The common denominator in all these incidents is that the end users installed custom ROMs using Livesuite and then proceeded to use the root utility to install Clockworkmod. Given ADB's track record of reliability with millions of Android devices, the only conclusion I can draw from this is that Livesuite is the cause of the problem. Therefore, if you have used Livesuite to install a ROM, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE THIS UTILITY. Using the root utility on a Livesuite-modified tablet may cause damage to the firmware which may not be fixable by any means, even with a system dump. Should you choose to use the utility despite this warning, you do so at your own risk.

On your tablet, turn on USB Debugging (Settings > Developer Options). Connect your tablet to the computer if it is not already connected, and do not turn on USB storage. Then on the computer navigate to the directory where you extracted the root utility and run "root_restore.bat". The first screen you see will remind you to turn on USB Debugging and to connect the tablet if you haven't already done so. Once connected, the utility should present to you a menu with a list of options. The one you want is "Root". From there, you will have the choice of rooting a 703x tablet (7033, 7035) or "All other Generation 3 Tablets" (7042, 8042, 9042, 9740, 9742, 1042, 1045). After choosing the correct rooting method for your tablet the rooting process will begin. Follow any prompts that may appear. When completed, you will have the option to reboot the tablet. Reboot the tablet. The root utility will return to the main menu, where you can perform the next step once the tablet has finished booting.

Create System dump: With the tablet still connected to the PC and its USB debugging turned on, select "Dump System Files" in the utility. It will remind you to not disconnect the cable and prompt you to continue. After telling the utility to continue it will proceed to extract all files on your tablet and place them on /mnt/sdcard as a group of four files in a directory titled dump: boot.img, bootloader.img, recovery.img, and system.tgz. Copy these files off the tablet, compress them all into a single zip file, and post them on the forums. We have a thread set up for the purpose: Requesting Firmware Dumps For Coby Generation 3 Devices, Part II.
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ClockworkMod Recovery, Google Apps and Custom ROMs
Warning: All Coby Generation 3 tablets with files built in 2013 or later should not attempt to install a custom recovery, custom boot image, or custom ROM. Doing so at this time will irrevocably brick the tablet. Coby has implemented a procedure in the firmware that locks down the nand flash in the tablets if the tablet firmware is modified in any way.

If you have not made a system dump and provided us with a copy of the stock recovery from one of these tablets, do not attempt to customize the tablet using the procedures in this post! Rooting the tablet is not affected by the nand lock.

The first post in this thread covered rooting the tablet and creating a system dump of the original firmware. This post covers installing ClockworkMod recovery and either installing a custom ROM or installing the Google apps. Note that none of these steps are absolutely required. However, there are advantages to having ClockworkMod installed such as the ability to create backups of the firmware directly on the tablet in a format that is easy to restore should there be problems.

Unfortunately, only the tablets with an Allwinner processor have a ClockworkMod recovery available to them at this time. Users with VI Micro (7033, 7035) and Telechips (7034, 7036, 7048, 8048, possibly 7030 and 7032) processors will need to use alternate means to install the Google apps should they desire to do so. It may in fact be easier to simply install the Amazon Appstore to get apps from.

The basic procedure for installing ClockworkMod on a supported tablet is given below.

  • Install ClockworkMod recovery.
  • Install Google apps or a custom ROM if available.
Install ClockworkMod Recovery: If you have a device with ClockworkMod recovery available for it, you will need the following.

  • A stock recovery image from your system dump. Didn't make a system dump? Make one now, before attempting to do anything else!
  • If using a 7042, 8042, or 9742, download a ClockworkMod recovery image from this thread. There is a 9742 recovery in this thread, but it has been superseded by the link provided next in this list.
  • 9742 users can download a ClockworkMod recovery image from this thread. This recovery is available as a flashable zip that can be flashed using the stock recovery. For use in the root utility it will be necessary to extract the image from the zip file.
  • 9042 users should download ClockworkMod recovery from this post.
  • If using a 1042, download the ClockworkMod recovery image from this thread.
  • 1045 uers can download ClockworkMod from this post.
  • 9740 users can download ClockworkMod from this post.
Make a copy of the stock recovery that you created in the "Create System dump" step. Place that copy in the data subdirectory of the utility and rename it to "stock_recovery.img". Take the copy of ClockworkMod you just downloaded, unzip it if it comes in a zip file, place it in the data subdirectory of the utility, then rename the file to "cwm_recovery.img". Then run "root_restore.bat". Have your device connected to the PC just as if you were going to root the tablet, but at the selection menu in the utility, select the "Recovery" option. At the next menu choice, select ClockworkMod and follow the prompts. When finished the tablet will reboot into ClockworkMod. Make a backup of the ROM at this point, using ClockworkMod's "Backup and restore" function.

Install Google apps or a custom ROM: After installing Clockworkmod you could, if you wish, then install the 20120429 Google Apps package at Downloads - Browsing gapps or install one of the custom ROMs below. If you choose to install the Google apps and find that the apps package does not install, it is because the tablet's /system/app directory is nearly full. Later Generation 3 tablets include more bloatware than earlier models and it is this bloatware that prevents the Google apps package from installing. A list of files that I deleted from my tablet can be found here. Delete these files and then install the Google apps package.

Disclaimer: None of these ROMs are being actively maintained, therefore before attempting to install one ensure you have at least a system dump and preferably a nandroid backup available. You install these ROMs at your own risk. Neither the developers nor can be held responsible for any damage done to your devices as a result.

NOTE: Also in the Mobiz V2 for 9742 thread can be found a stock ROM for the 9742, set up as a flashable zip through Clockworkmod.

Installing a custom ROM or the Google apps package is done in the same manner. ROMs and the Google apps package are provided as archive files with the .ZIP extension. Copy the .ZIP file to the root of the MicroSD card inserted into the tablet and boot into ClockworkMod recovery using either of the following button combinations:

  • Hold down "volume -" and "power" until the recovery appears.
  • Hold down "volume -", "back", and "power" until the recovery appears.
Once in ClockworkMod, navigate using the "volume +" and "volume -" buttons to "Install zip from sdcard". Press "power" to select. On the menu that appears, select "Choose the zip file to install" and navigate to the zip file. Press "power" to select it and follow the prompts. After installation, navigate to "reboot system now" and press "power".

If installing a custom ROM, the ROM will optimize its files and then boot up. If installing the Google apps, you should see a large pop up on the screen with the message "Upgrading Android". Once that popup disappears, the tablet will boot normally and the Play Store icon should appear in the app drawer. Once it's determined that the custom ROM works properly or the Google apps are installed, shut down the tablet, boot into recovery, and make another backup of the ROM using the "Backups and storage" feature.

Why ClockworkMod and not Livesuite?
I recommend using Clockworkmod rather than Livesuite simply because using Clockworkmod to install the Google Apps flashable zip package or a Clockworkmod-compatible ROM minimizes issues related to Coby changing the hardware components inside the case. Since a custom Livesuite ROM cannot take into account hardware variations, quite often the Livesuite ROM will be installed and the tablet will not work properly. With Clockworkmod, a ROM developer can offer his ROM and offer patches to be installed along with the ROM to account for these hardware variations. With Clockworkmod and the Google Apps flashable zip package, a custom ROM isn't being installed at all and thus the hardware issues are avoided completely.
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System Dumps Index
This is merely a reference of all the valid system dumps that have been made available in the forums. The dumps were mostly culled from this thread. If there were dumps made in other threads, they will be added here. Also, see this thread for instructions on how to restore to stock using these system dumps.

axle25, original post (Requires registration)

None at this time.

mcclain_ts, original post

Folken, original post NOTE: This 7035 ROM has had Google Apps installed. Default ROM images do not have Google Apps.
tpaine, original post

bigmacjw, original post
xx14wilson14xx, original post
Vampirefo., original post

Version 1, Joe88, original post
Version 2, davidmatt34, original post
nybs31, original post

mcclain_ts, original post
Nandroid Backup mcclain_ts, original post

strat6, original post

Version 1: Shinisuryu, original post
Version 1: xxx_wea, original post
Version 2 (?): AndyJay, original post (Requires registration)
Version ?: wibbn8, original post
room, original post (Requires registration) NOTE: Unlike the other dumps, I have not provided a direct link to the dump files themselves but only to the post where they can be found. This is because this user could not combine the files into a single zip file for easy downloading.
Ricky405jr, original post
guasvatas, original post
mcarw, original post
Shadowpsyche, original post

LordBaal, original post

MWalter, original post NOTE: Unlike the other dumps, I have not provided a direct link to the dump files themselves but only to the post where they can be found. This is because this user did not combine the files into a single zip file for easy downloading.
svtart, original post NOTE: Unlike the other dumps, I have not provided a direct link to the dump files themselves but only to the post where they can be found. This is because this user did not combine the files into a single zip file for easy downloading.
joenarsu12, original post
bfoley66, original post NOTE: Angry Birds from GetJar included.
Anthony0903, original post
manueld64, original post
slash, original post
leemarkpo, original post
nuvi_g, original post

Diegom, original post
rambokidjr, original post
azpyroguy, original post
Aaron_S, original post
xXPWN3DnS0LDXx, original post
Vampirefo., original post
crashfly, original post NOTE: Not a zip file. This dump requires 7-Zip to extract.
billshk13, original post
rbrewington, original post
mcclain_ts, original post
paulwalter824, original post
Torque221, original post

Version 1, RedDeer (files no longer available)
Version 2, Shini, original post
Version 3, Traveller1701, original post
Version 3, Nandroid Backup (requires Clockworkmod), Traveller1701, original post
flightcrazed, original post
tpaine, original post
TennTaz, original post

silvoren, original post
Prodina, original post
thepuke, original post
Tawer, original post
ranchwhere, original post

shunova64, original post
kavenfradejas, original post
kawboy76, original post
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