Remove ASUS Web Storage On TF700


Oct 6, 2012
TITLE ERROR ... Should read: " ...remove ASUS Web Storage from my computer"

ASUS Web Storage keeps on announcing itself at each startup on my computer and it is becoming a real PITA !! :mad:

As soon and each time the computer starts up, I keep getting a notification that a new version is available for download: tried that a couple of times and it goes into an endless loop of some sort.
Obviously, the update never installs.
Is this Web Storage really necessary?

And, I don't see how this could be of any use to me .... maybe someone wants to prove me wrong? I am opened to suggestions.

Anyway, I looked for ways to "deactivate" the updates:
Hit the Start button >> type in "msconfig" >> a window opens and I go to "startup" and unchecked the "ASUS WebStorage".
Of course, it is still there but will this suffice to stop the notifications?

Upon further Google searches, I find that some people had some terrible time removing ASUS Web Storage entirely and that it created some "remnants" affecting their system(s). True?

Please tell me:

1. Is ASUS Web Storage important ?
2. Is it better to just clean it right out of my computer ?
3. What is the best way to deal with this ?

Any answer(s) would certainly be GREATLY appreciated.

Thank you.
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I had "checked off" ASUS WebStorage the box in "startup" (from msconfig)and rebooted the computer: no notification this time, which is now good.

I am still hoping someone will come in and tell me about uninstalling WebStorage, and what are the consequences of doing so.

Thanks again.

ASUS WebStorage is a pre-packaged Bloatware included with all ASUS computer system hardware. It is a commercial offering for their Cloud storage system. It has no imbedded consequence for removing or not using. I received the same app on my two ASUS laptops. It does allow for the sharing of access between PC's and Android systems. They give you over 400mb free as an incitement to pay upgrade for more storage. I've used it to move files around devices and access. Works well.
You can disable the Asus Web Storage in the Apps section of the tablet. That way it won't chew up any available RAM. It's footprint isn't that large, so even with a 32GB tablet it won't hurt anything.

To uninstall it from the desktop PC, you can do that from the Control Panel and go to Programs & Features to remove it. If you want to be totally sure of a complete uninstall including registry entries you can use the free version of Revo Uninstaller to achieve that.

I hope this helps.
[color=red][i]After four years, it's unlikely the OP will ever see this reply. Please refrain from responding to old threads like this in the future.[/i][/color]
TITLE ERROR ... Should read: " ...remove ASUS Web Storage from my computer"

ASUS Web Storage keeps on announcing itself at each startup on my computer and it is becoming a real PITA !! :mad:

As soon and each time the computer starts up, I keep getting a notification that a new version is available for download: tried that a couple of times and it goes into an endless loop of some sort.
Obviously, the update never installs.
Is this Web Storage really necessary?

And, I don't see how this could be of any use to me .... maybe someone wants to prove me wrong? I am opened to suggestions.

Anyway, I looked for ways to "deactivate" the updates:
Hit the Start button >> type in "msconfig" >> a window opens and I go to "startup" and unchecked the "ASUS WebStorage".
Of course, it is still there but will this suffice to stop the notifications?

Upon further Google searches, I find that some people had some terrible time removing ASUS Web Storage entirely and that it created some "remnants" affecting their system(s). True?

Please tell me:

1. Is ASUS Web Storage important ?
2. Is it better to just clean it right out of my computer ?
3. What is the best way to deal with this ?

Any answer(s) would certainly be GREATLY appreciated.

Thank you.

Hey, you can switch off the notification simply by doing the following(if you have windows 10):
Go to settings
Click on "system"
On the left side of your screen, you'll see "notifications and actions" which you'll select
Afterwards, they'll show a header saying "Show notifications from these senders", you can find "ASUS Webstorage and simply switch it off.