Screwdriver to Fix My Note


Alternate ATF App Tester
Jan 13, 2011
I dropped my note again and is black again! It happened before, exactly a year ago and somebody fixed it for me because I needed stuff I have inside and I didn't back up anything and still I didn't.....a year went by so fast and I can't believe that I still didn't find the time to back up the things I need.. I already ordered a tablet/phone, it was time for a change but now I have to change the amoled screen of my note to get my stuff out and I decided this try fixing it on my own.....where do I get such a small screwdriver?
Small screwdriver sets are available most places. Home Depot or Lowes should have them. Sears and RadioShack definitely have them but I don't recommend either place as they tend to be expensive.
Thank you Traveler,I didn't think that home depot would have it...great to know!
I went to 2, 3 places to look for the screwdriver to fix my note and wherever I go, when I tell them


that I want to fix my phone they tell me: -why don't you find somebody to do it for you?-Why????? I'm posting a pic of me so may be you can tell I look like somebody who can't fix a phone ?
they tell me: -why don't you find somebody to do it for you?

I guess they don't know you're a Veteran here, and you're ranked #7 out of 190K+ members on the forum.:eek:

BTW I need to get a jacket like that, it would be great for spending 2½ hours every darn day clearing snow off my driveway and walks.:rolleyes:

10 hours of white out snowfall and I had another 8" of snow and some 3' drifts to clear, really getting tired of this already.:(
Don't complain about the weather there


it could be worse! Like in Switzerland!
#7? Really? I'm very proud of myself!

You should be.

BTW I've seen those tiny screwdrivers in eyeglass repair kits. Try places that sell glasses, or as Traveller suggested, go to Radioshack.
I was looking at the screws on my note and you might be right spider, the screwdrivers to repair glasses should serve the purpose, I've seen them in a dollar store for a couple of dollars.....nothing cost a dollar anymore ,not even in a dollar store! :)