Some questions about my Nexus 10 tablet


Nov 14, 2012
1. Who and where can I get it serviced, functions explained, etc. In other words, who made it for Google?
2. Where can I get specific, step by step instructions on installing Flash Player for Android?
3. When it says "a plu-in is required" what plu-in and where can I get it?
4. Isthere a way to diminish the screen without reverting to the original screen?
5. Is ANY Adobe progra m available to Android users?
6. When I download a program and try to open an .exe file, nothing happens. How to open and save the program
1 - It was made by samsung. You can call Google or Samsung to get it serviced.
2 - This is the latest version from Adobe: Download the file, then go to Settings - Security and tick the unknown sources (it may also be in Settings - Apps depending on your version of Android). Browse to the downloaded file, tap on it and agree to install it.
3 - I beleive you mean plug-in. This is typically either Flash or Java. If it is flash, number 2 will get you squared away. If it needs Java (like Pogo Games) you are out of luck. There is not Java Machine for Android (different from javascript too).
4 - Not sure what you mean, are you talking about brightness? Or different screen resolutions?
5 - Yes, there are quite a few Adobe apps for Android. See here:
6 - .exe files are executiable files in a Windows environment. You need to get .apk files to install in Android. If you get them from the Play Store, this is your best bet.
1. Who and where can I get it serviced, functions explained, etc. In other words, who made it for Google?

No answer for that one.

2. Where can I get specific, step by step instructions on installing Flash Player for Android?

In my signature links

3. When it says "a plu-in is required" what plu-in and where can I get it?

Not certain what you or the tablet is asking about but if it's Flash refer to #2

4. Isthere a way to diminish the screen without reverting to the original screen?

Totally don't understand #4

5. Is ANY Adobe progra m available to Android users?
6. When I download a program and try to open an .exe file, nothing happens. How to open and save the program

Yes, look in the Store, however no EXE program will run on Android as they are Windows programs.

See red notes.
lol good job guys. I think I understand number 4. If you mean can you minimize the screen rather than simply return home, the answer is no. Android doesn't support a windowed environment by default. What you do instead is return home or to your apps and select a new app.

Although you returned home or opened a different app that doesn't mean the one you just left is closed. Android actually supports advanced multi-tasking. You don't need to close or worry about any of the apps running, the system will take care of it. To quickly switch back and forth between recent apps (minimize and restore in Windows) you use the multi-task button, which is the one that looks like layered boxes and is the right side button of the three default buttons (back, home, multi-task).

By downloading separate versions of flash player 11.1.. Into Firefox and Chrome, I have been able to see videos by clicking on the plu-in for Firefox. But when I try to access a. Video on Chro e, l get "Chro e does not have a plugin for this".
And I still can't copy and paste consistently. Sometimes I can high lite the text and sometimes it works on all the text, so eti es it works on a line and sometimes it doesn't work at all.
Also, is there an app which lets me split-screen two different sites so I can hear and see one while reading the other?
Chrome does NOT support Flash on Android.

Never has, and never will.

As far as copy and paste, some apps support it better than others. My best suggestion is to contact the app developers if you are having an issue with copy and paste in their apps.