Sorry!!! - But can I have some help to identify my tablet please!

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Jun 24, 2011
First of all can i appologies for asking this as I have spent the last 24hours reading all the other threads on here, and am now very confused, hence my question!

I dont know anything about tablets and have bought a s/hand one off of ebay to have a play with to see if its for me, and I've got to say my initial impression is not good, the unit i have has a resistive screen and seems to run very slow, and is running android 1.6, I would like to try and get this updated to 2.2 (if we can identify it) and try to get the official market on it as well?

I read the initial q&a section and there was something in there about using a APK to identify what the device is but don't know what to do with it???

OK, so this is what I have to go on:

The box is labelled as Irobot on the sides and MID.
It has a plastic case.
It has a green led (red when charging)
power button on top right (in vertical)
Menu button and volume up / down on top left (in horizontal)
Mic on top right (in horizontal)
Black front with silver middle button
Camera in front
on the bottom (left to right) speaker, dc in, headphone (black), Ipod style connector, micro sd slot and speaker.
Charger is 9vDC 1500ma

In settings about device I have the following:

memory size = 256mb
model number = generic
firmware version = 1.6
Kernel Version = 2.6.29-00236-g4f8dbbb-dirty (I did find a thread relating to this but the firmware that was pointed to was relating to different LED's i think?)
build number = wmt1.9.1_88

Thats all I have......

I am sorry if I have not looked hard enough, and have overlooked this exact thread by someone else but if not, hope I have provided enough information for someone to assist? If not could someone let me know how to get the info with the APK, but if I have could someone let me know if I can update the firmware and get the official market?

Thanks in advance for any help and advice, Rob.
You have a second generation generic Android tablet running a 1.6 version of Android with usually a very low power 8505 processor stack. These were sold for about $125 USD back in Dec 2010 and are at best simple e-readers and simple low res video or MP3 players. Sorry for the truth. But this is a weak cousin to current models that can only be upgraded using community ROM builds. This one is likely similar to an early Flypad or other VIA 8505 processor units
Hi Gurgle,

Thanks for the reply, you know what they say the truth sometimes hurts!! lol.

Not alot I can do with this then, would you mind me asking, is there anything you would recommend that runs minimum android 2.2 and supports google market place for around the £100 mark please? as I assume there is not a lot I can do with my current product?

Thanks again, Rob.
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