SYNET7LP concerns/feedback


Dec 20, 2010
So since more people are starting to pick up the SYNET7LP, I thought we could start a thread dedicated to people who have or had problems with their unit, and have successfully contacted the company Digital Gadgets about the problem, so that we are all up-to-date on what is happening with our units, and can help each other find out more FACTS about the unit and what steps have been made in fixing the problem per Digital Gadgets.

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I contacted them Yesterday about 3 things. Why does the unit not go into actual sleep mode, just shuts back light off over running processes. Why does this thing not have any sort of lock screen or screen off widget/button (or used with the power button). And plain out, when will we see a 2.2 update if any at all. They emailed me back today and this is what it what I received.

-No lock button as described above
-No sleep as described above
-No consistency between models on the shelves (some have auto rotate, some dont, mine doesnt) and theres no way to tell until you open the box, making it unreturnable to most stores
-screen is often sluggish to respond after boot up until it has been running for a bit
-Screen is a little less responsive to finger touch than most other devices i've tested. Stylus works a lot better, but still has issues with buttons and functions in the corner of the screen.
-No lock button as described above
-No sleep as described above
-No consistency between models on the shelves (some have auto rotate, some dont, mine doesnt) and theres no way to tell until you open the box, making it unreturnable to most stores
-screen is often sluggish to respond after boot up until it has been running for a bit
-Screen is a little less responsive to finger touch than most other devices i've tested. Stylus works a lot better, but still has issues with buttons and functions in the corner of the screen.

Have you emailed them about your problems?

sent from my android tablet
Looks like they are at least trying to help. Sleep mode was only recently activated on equivalent units. Sylvania should be able to get an update from its source for the sake of its customres.
Looks like they are at least trying to help. Sleep mode was only recently activated on equivalent units. Sylvania should be able to get an update from its source for the sake of its customres.

I would certainly hope so. I don't think it would be much of a hassle to throw that into the new update the supposedly should be coming out sometime soon.
Have you emailed them about your problems?

sent from my android tablet

The sleep button i'm sure will be addressed in a future firmware update as it will most likely be an easy software fix.

As for the auto rotate lack on some models, i sent them a message about it, but never heard back. I'd love to swap this for a newer model with the auto rotate, but i'm not willing to go back to the store i got it at and swap it over and over until i find one. Would rather send directly to the company for a swap. Never heard anything back when i suggested that.

Screen response i'm sure is a hardware issue, and most likely wont/cant be fixed.
Well, this will sound strange but here it goes....
The sylvania that I got from sears (2 weeks ago) had a dg1.01 fw on it and the autorotate was working, the headphones was working. I never had any issues with the device except like everybody else the battery don't last longer. After I upgrade to dg2.02 I think.... more apps were installed but the autorotate stopped to work.... now I have to tap the autorotate bottom on the top left corner. I did notice a little improvement in the battery life (just a little) but what drives me crazy is when you go to settings and you activate the orientation sensor the screen of my tablet goes upside-down... isin't that weird?
To Naysses...I also had two of these.. one of them has an accelerometer, one does not. They had different available on the default screen as well, one had SlideMe already available, one did not.
I think its important to note that the head phone jack was mono when I used a headphone that was 2.5mm, but when I used the included adapter, and connected 3.5mm headphones there was sound in both ears.. I haven't played with enough to tell if this is truly stereo output or a split mono.

Still, for the price, I am not complaining.
01-04-2011 Response from Digital Gadgets on remaining issues posted

12-30-2010 Partial response below to "wall charger" spark issue when plugging into outlet.

Hello and Happy New Year,

RE: Charging of device
Model number - SYNET7LP
Firmware version - DG2.02
Kernel version - warits@msuG #43

Often I will see a spark when plugging in the wall charger. Now, after a complete charge when removing the cord from the device, the "Battery Level" icon continues to show it's charging even though it's unplugged.

From the "Home Screen" selecting "Settings" > "About device" > "Status" - "Battery status" shows "Charging (AC)" and "Battery level" shows "charging". After several minutes, it will eventually "time out" and change to - "Battery status" "Not charging" and "Battery level" "99%" and then it drops off rapidly using "Airplane Mode - On" and "Wi-Fi - Connected". After just 30 minutes with "Brightness" all the way up and "Screen timeout" set to "Never timeout" and no use of the device the "Battery level" is indicating "74%".

While I understand that various activities on the Tablet will affect the battery "Up time", I am concerned about the spark and the "Battery Level" icon not changing to indicate the charge status. Additionally, there is no visual (LED on Tablet or on the wall charger) indicating that the unit is charging when the device is turned off.

Can you please address these concerns and if they can be corrected?

Immediate response regarding "wall charger" spark when plugging in outlet.

from Salvatore Castelli <[email protected]>
date Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 12:23 PM
subject Re: On-line Contact Form

The spark is not normal, and is indicative of a seriously malfunctioning
device. Please attempt to exchange the device at your location of
purchase. Explain to them the problems which you are having. If you are
unable to receive a replacement item, please open another ticket
requesting an RMA

Sal Castelli
Customer Service | Ph. 646-597-5515
Thank you for contacting Digital Gadgets customer support. The following is a response to your query:

After a complete charge when removing the cord from the device, the "Battery Level" icon continues to show it's charging even though it's unplugged.
Thank you for reporting this issue, we have made our Android development team aware of it. The issue is related to a menu switch operation not being properly triggered, and it will be addressed in a later build.

After just 30 minutes with "Brightness" all the way up and "Screen timeout" set to "Never timeout" and no use of the device the "Battery level" is indicating "74%".
Proper use of this device requires that you first condition the internal battery for optimal performance time. This is a process of charging the battery to full (or when it indicates as full) and then allowing the device to power down to around 5%, then repeating the process as necessary until the battery life improves. Additionally, the screen on this device uses a great deal of power for multiple operations including touch screen scan availability, orientation awareness, and other functions. 30 minutes of continuous uptime, physical use or not, will cause significant battery drain. It is recommended that you change the screen time-out to a lower setting, turn your brightness to about 70%, and turn off your WiFi connection if you are not planning to use it as these features all cause additional battery drain.

The other issues related to menu inaccuracy will be addressed in future android builds for this product. We however, cannot give you an estimated date as to when at this time.
We hope this answer is applicable to your needs.

Sal Castelli
Customer Service | Ph. 646-597-5515
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Help - with Sylvania Infotmic tablet. I done the following
hard reset, pressing both power and menu at the same, it went through a reset fine, - several times
removed calendar and weather widgets
calibrated touch screen
reset button - several times
How do I make it stop clicking onto what is wants to.
If i try to select to select a setting, this things goes crazy, jumping in and out of different setting,
I am not touching anything
Its like it is on automatic selections, speed,
It acts like it has a g-sensor in it, but it is a sylvania infotmic tablet, not a phone.
What else can I try, my fingers are getting sore, from all the resets I have done.
I want control.
Please help.
Thank you.
Help - with Sylvania Infotmic tablet. I done the following
hard reset, pressing both power and menu at the same, it went through a reset fine, - several times
removed calendar and weather widgets
calibrated touch screen
reset button - several times
How do I make it stop clicking onto what is wants to.
If i try to select to select a setting, this things goes crazy, jumping in and out of different setting,
I am not touching anything
Its like it is on automatic selections, speed,
It acts like it has a g-sensor in it, but it is a sylvania infotmic tablet, not a phone.
What else can I try, my fingers are getting sore, from all the resets I have done.
I want control.
Please help.
Thank you.

It unfortunatley sounds like you may have a bad touch screen or some other hardware problem. It sounds like you tried a recovery/factory reset and you still have the problem? If you followed the instructions here and you still have the issue that pretty much rules out a software glitch and it's most likely hardware.
I have two of these units, one with Android 2.2 and the other with Android 2.1. On both it is next to impossible to actuate the home button with my fingernail. The 2.2 is worse even though the other parts of the screen are more responsive. Does anyone have an app. where the home button can be linked to an icon on another part of the screen? Thanks. Chuck
Does anyone know where a replacement battery for a SYNET7LP can be purchased? Mine is dying after 40 minutes of use. I had the same problem with an Eken M001 and a replacement battery repaired it. Thanks. Chuck
Does anyone know where a replacement battery for a SYNET7LP can be purchased? Mine is dying after 40 minutes of use. I had the same problem with an Eken M001 and a replacement battery repaired it. Thanks. Chuck

There are 2 issues here. 1) Finding the right battery. 2) Installing it. My impression is the battery is wired in. If this is true trying to replace it will require that you have some soldering skill.

If you can take a picture of the battery or at least report the battery information on the outside of the battery we can take a shot at trying to find one.

My experience with the Sylvania Netbook is I could find 2 Chinese manufacturers of the thing but haven't (yet) been able to locate a retailer who will sell less than 500 or 1,000 batteries.

If the tablet is still under warranty I would ask DG about returning it for another tablet.

If you have not investigated the ways to extend the tablet battery life (install the power widget, turn down the screen brightness, toggle wifi off if you are not using it, toggle the e-mail sync off) it could be that you will gain enough to keep it....

Tom Miller
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