SYTAB10MT - possible to Upgrade RAM?


Dec 28, 2011
Is there a way to upgrade/add RAM to SYTAB10MT?

I have two for our kids, who want to play flash-heavy kids' games websites. I managed to get flash running..but very slowly and it runs out of memory.
Haved you tried puffin web browser? google it for and install it, and try to see if it works for your kids....
No. The screen is glued to the case. You try to open it, you will crack the screen.

Plus, if it is like the 7" tablet, they are soldered onto the board.
get the gemini app manager from the amazon app store, it helps clear up some RAM from apps you arent using that are running in the background.
Coming back to this thread almost a year later because we are replacing the kid's Sylvania tablets this Christmas. This leaves these two Sylvania Sytabmt10's for me to play around with.

So as one might guess, since I revived this thread; yes, I have one apart in front of me at the moment. :D How could I resist?

The screen appears to be glued to the case, but in actuality, very careful work with a thin-bladed boxcutter tool or exacto knife or equivalent reveals that the screen bezel is attached to the case with plastic clips, and these can be (very carefully!) released with a lot of patience and careful movement all of the way around.

As far as replacing RAM - here's what I found: the RAM in these are 2 Samsung K4T1G164QE-HCE6 chips. Lorenii is correct, they are soldered to the board, but only on two pins that are fortunately "large" enough so that very mindful re-soldering is possible.

After spending the morning googling, I am still having difficulty finding a retail source for tablet components. I'm still looking for where I can source replacement chips. But that being said; I will de-solder and remove the two RAM chips today and it does look entirely possible (albeit risky) to upgrade SYTAB10MT RAM, IF a component retailer source can be found and the chips are cheap enough to make it worthwhile. I thought I'd pass this along, FYI.

If the RAM upgrade succeeds, then "next phase" for me will be flashing Ubuntu into it as native OS - although the flash memory chips might not be up to it and replacing THOSE on the SYTAB10MT board would be quite the microscopic soldering exercise...For now, I'll plug away at the RAM upgrade exercise. If anyone is remotely interested in the progress, I'll post any appropriate updates.