T 410 Cruz Velocity Tablet problems


Jan 9, 2012
I got the Newest tablet the T410. After installing IHeart radio, my device freaked out. It aparently needed a firmware update, did that ok, done right> Oh not so.....

I had to reinstall IHeart and other apps because I had to do a FACTORY reset, which really made me mad.
Now....the problem is...IHeart radio app won't install correctly.
Just today while I was browing the Internet, it suddenly FROZE up on a web search within Google. All esle failed so I had to scrimp around the internet to find a fix. You have to PRY the back off very carefully and unplug the little wires (Basically disconnect the Battery. I plugged it back in and BAM...back in business. I wanted to post this because I have never seen a solution to this specific problem. I think IHeart Radio app messed my new Tablet up. Hope it helps someone else.
The same app works fine on my T301. The device does freeze sometimes, but sticking a paperclip in the reset hole always fixes that, touch wood. Don't know that disconnecting the battery should do anything different, as both should do a hard reboot. Besides, there is info in the manual about how to do a factory reset without taking it apart, and the manuals are all on the Velocity Micro website.

Not sure exactly how the T410 differs, apart from its bigger screen and different bundled apps. 300 series had 2.0 upgradeable to 2.2 (FroYo), which of course I have done. There was no 7" model in the 400 series, so I am waiting for the T507 before I think about upgrading (not a 'bigger is better' sort of person).