VEGAn 7 Ginger on Viewsonic g Tablet - video and wifi issues


Jan 13, 2014
I replaced the stock Froyo ROM with the VEGAn Ginger edition on my Viewsonic g Tablet (bootloader 1.2).

It works, BUT... I need a few suggestions to resolve two minor but very annoying problems.

1. The wifi will drop for a few seconds randomly, even if I am right next to my access point. This is a problem for certain apps/games that require a constant connection.
2. If this were an Intel-based PC, I'd say it needs a video driver update. However, I saw nowhere to do that in Android. Some apps/games don't display correctly. For example, CandyCrush has large areas of black where graphics should be. Another app has sizing issues where some things are normal sized but others are oversized or undersized on the same page.

All hints/suggestions will be appreciated. I know PCs very well, but am new to tablets and Android OS.
More information: this other thread indicates that wifi was working fine after the VEGAn Ginger upgrade and then SOME TIME LATER started acting up. I want to stress that I noticed this problem IMMEDIATELY after upgrading. I was connecting flawlessly with the stock OS load. After upgrade, wifi will periodically drop for a few seconds then reconnect. Even when I am sitting right next to the wireless router, so signal strength isn't an issue. I made NO changes to the router nor to the tablet beyond flashing to the Ginger ROM.