vibration not working ? broken ?


Nov 26, 2011
so i havent had this tablet long..the acer a500 10 inch tablet, well not too long ago the vibration stopped working. i assumed my son had somehow tured the setting off but i noticed some games that have vibration doesnt even work then, after looking for the setting to turn the vibration back on it doesnt seem to have that setting, so is there a trick ? i havent reset it yet as i domt wanna lose all my pics but is this broken or what should i do ?
You can try an app called audio manager. It has an option to turn vibrate on.

Sent from my Vizio Tab/ Universal Remote
Turn tablet off (the really off powered down off), then power back on. It should vibrate as part of the start up diagnostics, if not then it is broken, if it does then you need to find the setting which is under Location and Security, the only setting I know of is "tactile feedback" under the lock screen heading. Not sure where else to look.
Turn tablet off (the really off powered down off), then power back on. It should vibrate as part of the start up diagnostics, if not then it is broken, if it does then you need to find the setting which is under Location and Security, the only setting I know of is "tactile feedback" under the lock screen heading. Not sure where else to look.

Nikita, how are things going? Did you find your answer?
What Greg_E says is right. It would be how you determine if your issue is a problem with your tablet (ie if its broken or not) or if it is a simple settings issue.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
hi nikita,
i made an account just to answer this question... Awhile ago my power button broke and i had to send in my tablet to acer...When it came back vibration was broken... no vibration at startup. to me, this is not a problem worth sending it in for because usually when it comes back something will be messed up.
Anyway, i was just replying because yesterday morning i accidently dropped my phone from about 1 ft on the center of my tablets touchsceen(i have the black protective cover so it did not land on the glass). Later that day, i thought i was hallucinating when i heard a faint vibrate during startup. Sure enough, now my vibrate works... I'm not suggesting that you drop anything on your tablet. If you really need vibrate to work, maybe you should send it in. The problem with sending it in is that no mater how carefully you pack it. They send it back with basically minimum protection. They dont use bubble wrap. They just plastic wrap your tablet to a peice of cardboard that is folded so that it can withstand a small amount of abuse on the way back. I would say for vibrate it is only worth it if you live near texas and can drop off and pick up your device from the place where they actually fix it... I would honestly suggest forgetting about it and maybe one day it will just start to work again.
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Unless you need it for sms or something, most games the vibration is completely unnecesary*(dont know how to spell lol).