Want to Upgrade Viewpad


Dec 2, 2013
I am the owner of the Viewpad 10pi 64gb edition. I know this is a great tablet, but want it to do more. I was at the Mircosoft store recently playing with the new tablets and was blown away. I want to expand my capabilities for my tablet. Here is what I would like to do:

Possibly expand to a 128gb ssd.
Upgrade to windows 8 (Microsoft Office 2013) with it running smoothly. I need bluetooth, sound, and video to be stable. Currently runs Windows 7 Home
Upgrade to Android 4.4 Kit Kat. Again I want a stable build with a functioning version of the Google Play app. Currently runs Android 2.3

I know this tablet can do great things so any help is appreciated. I would need instructions on installing the programs and where they can be found, if possible.

Thanks in Advance
Maximum MicroSD Card size is 32GB, and I don't believe that can be changed (hardware limitation). Windows 8 is possible but you'd likely lose dual boot. Android 4.4 is unlikely unless a developer can reverse engineer the Gingerbread drivers to work, or if someone has compatible drivers.