Where is my livewallpaper and build question??


Jan 4, 2011
Hey guys, I just bought a nook and rooted it. I downloaded some live wallpaper but can't find where to install it/run it. I rebooted and its not showing up under extras and it's also not showing up under home/settings/wallpaper. That only shows pictures, not live wallpaper.

On a seperate note, when I look at the left edge of my nc about 2" down from the power button I can take my fingers and pinch the edge and make it move. It's almost like the glue didn't hold properly or something during production of this. Does anyone else have this same issue? I'm wondering whether to return it or if it's a common issue.


Long press on the home screen - Set WallPaper - Live Wallpapers. It should be in there.

The left side top panel is loose on mine also. I can squeeze it and it creaks.

Sent from my NOOKcolor
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