Which Anti Virus?


Senior Member
Dec 3, 2012
I was wondering which Anti Virus is preferable for the A2109?
Wither Free or Paid For.

I had been using WebRoot Secure AnyWare "PAID" on my Iconia but it's Subscription went out 3 days ago.
I've been using the default Norton's on here since it was a Free Trial.

And I was just wondering by popular vote which on you all prefer for your tablets?

I had used AVG Free for a while but it never really let me know that it was really on my tablet, Let alone actually doing anything but taking up space.

Thanks again you all are the BEST: Ricky :cool:
A question for the gurus - is there a way for a virus to get on an Android other than installing? The PC is full of holes since various file types execute without being installed and run at the privilege of your login. I thought Android was a lot tighter about that. If one does get on, how much harm can it do if you aren't rooted?
A question for the gurus - is there a way for a virus to get on an Android other than installing? The PC is full of holes since various file types execute without being installed and run at the privilege of your login. I thought Android was a lot tighter about that. If one does get on, how much harm can it do if you aren't rooted?

I don't use any AV, on an unrooted device, it couldn't do anymore than the user could do.
I was wondering which Anti Virus is preferable for the A2109?
Wither Free or Paid For.

I had been using WebRoot Secure AnyWare "PAID" on my Iconia but it's Subscription went out 3 days ago.
I've been using the default Norton's on here since it was a Free Trial.

And I was just wondering by popular vote which on you all prefer for your tablets?

I had used AVG Free for a while but it never really let me know that it was really on my tablet, Let alone actually doing anything but taking up space.

Thanks again you all are the BEST: Ricky :cool:

I don't use them, they are a windows thing, I am sure some windows users feels there is a need for them, as they became accustomed to using one on their pc. I doubt any are better or worse on an android, most likely they all do the same thing, nothing. A placebo effect, would be my guess.

here are some

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I think they are a waste of time and system resources to be honest. Just my opinion, but I'll never use an antivirus on any of my droid devices. Maybe it will come and bite me in the ass later on, but it hasn't yet.

I just think something like that running constantly is going to drain your battery faster.

To me battery life > a small chance of a virus.

Except for the first one, those are the sort of thing I expected - users might give up data unwittingly and they might get something that is infected. But the first article talks about grave risk to unrooted devices because of a specific security flaw. Does ours have one like that? Hard to say for sure, but I hope not...
Thanks again to everyone for their input.
I know droid is tighter then windows...
But I also remember when they said Mac's were so safe for years and now they are having problems.
And since droid is based off of Linux I know it's the most secure of the bunch.

I just remember once reading on a Linux Forum someone had replied with this comment.
MAYBE someday Linux will have a need for an Anti Virus but why would a hacker want to work so hard to infect so few computers.
When it is so much eaiser to cause chaos in a windows computer, As well as a Mac and this was long before I ever heard of droid.

I'm not saying it is necessary now but you must admit it's got to be tempting for some hackers since droid is becoming at least as popular as windows in mobile devices.

Thanks for the links I'm most grateful.
Off of one of them I found one Called Dr. Web Anti Virus Light, that sounded pretty good.
I'll have to do some more research on it, But it is highly rated in detection and is light weight in the RAM usage Department right at 8mb when maxed out and everything working.
Webroot ran at about 15mb and the Norton's on here runs as close as I can tell at about 20mb.
The only thing it lacks is Anti theft and Privacy Protection.
But Privacy options are pretty much taken care of in the OS settings.
And I'm not going to go out and get myself killed trying to get my $200 tablet back.
And since I don't take my tablet out of the house I don't think it will get lost, Unless my wife wants to hide it on me for her own use..
So I think this one sounds pretty good Thanks: Ricky :cool:
I use avast and I'm quite pleased with it aside from just the "AV" stuff, yes it's hard to get one, but it has a few other useful things for sure, one saved me recently was the "anti theft" tool, which is awsome because I lost my phone and was able to track it online using avast web interface, it also will tell you which apps can do what in laymans terms (permission issues) some may surprise you. it did actually intercept at least twice 2 malicious apks that were not from market. I also use the windows avast and like it, it's not too terribly clunky like norton or others and have not noticed a performance issue on tablet/phone. of course it does too have the obligatory firewall (which has it's uses in reverse) and app manager etc. appbrain ad detector is good too if you want to filter the problem causing ones that push advertisements if you are using someone elses phone and are'nt familiar with their setup and they want you to fix it etc thats a good quick fix.
I'm probably tilting at windmills, here, but...

Here are a few articles I've come across regarding the need for anti-malware apps on Android devices:

Solution there is don't use Samsung mobile products. I wouldn't. This and mulitple other Samsung software snafus is one is one of the reasons why. (Did they ever patch that? I've seen no announcement of it.)

If your home network is compromised, you have much bigger problems that just your tablet.

Isn't this primarily a problem associated with installing questionable apps?

It is necessary for users to understand something: Companies like Trend Micro make their money by convincing people they need a product. In truth: Safe computing habits (shunning questionable sites, not opening unknown email attachments, not installing things from random sources, etc.) will do a lot more to protect you than anti-virus and anti-malware software.

The other thing users need to understand is that most AV and anti-malware software is reactive, not proactive. Because of this: If your environment is vulnerable, the best malware can compromise it and subsequently dodge even updated/upgraded AV and anti-malware.

I don't use MS-Windows for several very good reasons, not the least of which is its popularity as a target. A large part of that popularity is, in my opinion, due to poor software design and implementation. The day I begin to feel that, even with responsible use, I cannot trust my Android device is the day I abandon the Android platform for something else. (N.B.: I already don't trust it sufficiently to put my most sensitive data, my encrypted keyring, on one. Which is why, in turn, an Android-based phone would be of little use to me.)

Consumers need to start demanding of their tech. products better quality. Products that require users add ineffective bloatware to them, in a vain attempt to compensate for poor quality, should not be regarded as acceptable.
