Who is enjoying their tablet??


Jan 11, 2011
I bought my Tablet 5 days ago (Cruz T103)....

It had a slow start, I thought the device was very sluggish BEFORE I found out about
the update on the Velocity Micro site. I updated my T103 and since then it has been all uphill.

We all know it will not natively support the Android market. I guess Google just hates
the idea of making money by selling us apps...go figure..LOL..

Besides this minor issue, I have enjoyed using my device over the last 5 days.

I have watched an epidose of SGU (AVI files which play fine) as well as a few epidodes of Pinky and the Brain. :)

I took the tablet to breakfast with me this morning that had Wifi access and was able to do most things just fine. It could not access Snapfish, though. That website is just too graphic intensive for the T103. But, a few other wibsites that I thought it would not be able to handle, it actually handled those sites suprisingly well. This is using Skyfire 3.0.

This device replaced my Eken m001 that I bought about a year ago. I found that device a novelty and the only really useful thing it could do was check e-mail. For anything else, I found the Eken about un-usable. But for $80.00, I had to check it out for myself.

I paid 3x the price for the T103 than I did for the Eken. And was happy to do so.
I find the T103 very useful and I especially like its small size.

Now, to just find a DOCK for this thing....
I LOVE mine. I got it mostly as a reader a few days after Christmas (spent some gift money I had been given!), although I've had a Sony PRS-505 for several years now... I just wanted something new to play with. The Wifi to me is a nice bonus, I have a Moto-Droid phone and really like it, so that gets used most often for email and such on the go or even at home when I am too lazy to crank up my notebook.
I've installed the Laputa reader, got the newest version after a long search, as all I could initially find was a really old one that didn't have all the ebook databases linked.
A great app for file access between computer, tablet, and even cellphone, is DropBox. That is how I was able to finally get the newest version of Laputa, and I have also used it many times to move books to my tablet as well.
It DEFINITELY needs calibration when you first use it!!! I think a lot of the things people complain about the screen could be solved by just properly calibrating. It can take awhile, my suggestion is a PENCIL ERASER! The website says use an ink pen tip with the ink tip retracted... no freaking way am I using something that hard on this screen, it would damage it! Pencil eraser works perfectly, even better than a finger tip.
The WiFi is pretty good, but will sometimes cut out if I am in another room far from the router, or as someone said on another thread, using it in bed if you roll over, it loses the signal, gets it back if you move back to where you were...
I haven't tried movies or anything, not upset at not having Froyo or Flash, I have both on my phone and was chomping at the bit for Flash... well guess how much I have used it... one time when I first installed it just to see how it looked. I have seriously not used it since!
I think its a nice tablet overall for reader and browsing. The screen could be a tad more responsive but I guess Im just too used to my Galaxy S phone screen. I just wish I could get it to tether with my phone. Does anyone know the difference from the other models like the T104 or T105?
I've never tried to tether with my MotoDroid... connects to computer just fine although using DropBox makes it pretty much unnecessary to bother with that. The firmware upgrade appears to have made it possible to use your own photos for wallpaper but I have yet to get it to work.
i've had mine 2 hours and ready to throw it against the wall..it does everything , but what i wanted it for movies and it won't play avi, mp4 even tried an amv from my mp3 player..need help fast...too pissed too sleep
i've had mine 2 hours and ready to throw it against the wall..it does everything , but what i wanted it for movies and it won't play avi, mp4 even tried an amv from my mp3 player..need help fast...too pissed too sleep

Which one do you have? I have the R101 Reader, kind of the bottom of the barrel when it comes to all the Cruz Readers and Tablets, but I have noticed people here watching videos on it as well, so I am sure someone in this forum can help you, if you haven't worked it out already. I haven't tried video on mine, probably won't bother, but as I said, it's supposed to be possible!
I have the arm 11. Aside from 2.1 and resistive touch screen(which just takes some getting used too) i love it but all of a sudden my apps wont instal from market. Dont know why. Driving me crazy

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try finding an app called "Arcmedia" and sideload it onto your tablet. It literally plays everything I throw at it.
i have the e ereader that i bought online for 99 bucks. now that i know how to watch movies on it i'm satisfied. as soon as i find or someone creates some flash app i'll be set!!
I'm not sure about the reader but skyfire works for watching youtube movies on the cruz tablet.

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love mine! :)T103. Got it for my wife and proceeded to sideload way too many apps :pHA! The final straw was google maps. It worked, but the machine was so full when she finally bought a book she couldn't download it. :mad:Then i notice it wouldn't download anything from the cruz market either.:confused: so got her a Nook color and upgraded the cruz, wiping it clean and started from scratch just putting on what i need, including the ADW launcher so now my Hero and the cruz have the same launcher. picture is both of them running the weather forecast animation, it's a cloudy morning.
. $untitled.jpg
The Cruz is my first android device but I have been a linux user for 4 years. Took some getting used to but I am pleased with the performance for the price (bought on Black Friday at Sears for under $200.)The upgrade helped with performance. I use it mainly as an E-reader (Kobo, Kindle, Aldiko, & Wordplayer) disappointed I cannot get Nook to load since my wife has a Nook and it would be nice to be able to share books. I use Wordplayer a lot for Epub formats and other than being a little slow (alright some times very slow) in advancing pages it works well. The Borders app is very good and certainly close to Nook in many aspects. I installed Skyfire and it works great for internet browsing. SlideMe market place (SAM) has been very useful in allowing me to search for and download apps. So far the CruzMarket has been a disappointment (hard to navigate and not many apps available.) Adding a 32 GB SD card has allowed me to take a lot of music and videos with me on the tablet. The quality of the speakers is disappointing but not surprising. I am using dark Pebble as my music app and when I use earbuds the volume control is useless it is either off or full volume. Overall, I am satisfied with what I have for what I paid.
I am still trying to find a way to check the built-in microphone to see if it works. I would love to add Skype to the table but no luck so far. Has anyone been able to use the microphone with any of the apps? Will the hardware support Froyo? I have not seen any hacks to upgrade to Droid 2.2.
I'm having a great time with my T103 tablet. It freezes up a couple of times and had two bouts where there was a ghost in the machine, clicking links in the center part of the screen. That was scary but a hard reboot or connecting it to the ADW on the computer seemed to fix it back up. i 've been making a iGoogle gadget for the mobile web view of the iGoogle page that featured some CSS3 animations and was surprized it played them all. I wasn't getting the standard error message that the OS couldn't support the HTML5 PLAY() command, but that wasn't working. Drove me nuts until I finally began reading that 2.1 does not support play(), understands it and accepts the code but it dosen't work. for a work around it can support video() and if you call a mp3 file using video() it will play that, but not in the background of a web page. it opens the music player over your web page!!! This is the exact crap i was seeing on first gen I-pads and I-phones, they would open the quicktime player over the web page. VERY FRUSTRATING, but at least you can include the code for the background music and still see the CSS3 animations, and if your running 2.2 i hope you can hear the background music too.
Got my 104 Tablet off E-Bay about a week ago....it was a replacement for a MID generic P.O.S did a lot of researching, and found out what it was capable of, and what it wasn't.....what it is capable of, it does well....I like the fact that it has a capacitive multi-touch screen, and not a resistive...it is a heavy device, but feels well built...speakers kinda suck...makes me wonder how my phone ( HTC Evo) is WAY louder with only one speaker....but...this is not a stereo....sure, there are a lot of things this Tab can't do.....but knew this going into it.....disappointed that the hacking arena hasn't picked up on this thing because it could have so much more potential, but since Velocity decided to use an oddball processor(MIPS and not an ARM) , then the capabilities of this thing will be limited to slightly above stock at best.