WiFi Range Problem


Dec 30, 2012
I have a Sophix sold at the E.B. Games store. It works well except for videos. I was lucky enough to have a neighbor willing to share his wifi with me. My problem is that the signal is too weak for me. Any suggestions on how to get a better signal? He cannot move the router as it's in the only place where he can use it. Thank you in advance for any and all suggestions
Hi LLL, congratulations on your new Sophix tablet and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets. Unfortunately, there isn't a forum specifically for your tablet. If/when you have a problem or a question, the Android Tablet Q&A section would be the place to go. I'm moving this thread there for you, so more people can join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!
Thank you for warm welcome! My kiddo is taking only online use in house with her when she moves so she bought me the sophix so I can fill out online job apps. It works well for that but doesn't do well for videos because of low signal. Thanks for moving my thread to proper channel for help.
I have a Sophix sold at the E.B. Games store. It works well except for videos. I was lucky enough to have a neighbor willing to share his wifi with me. My problem is that the signal is too weak for me. Any suggestions on how to get a better signal? He cannot move the router as it's in the only place where he can use it. Thank you in advance for any and all suggestions


My suggestion would be to find a repeater, (WiFi extender). You would locate it on the wall closest to your neighbor. It will take that signal and rebroadcast it as if it was in your house.