WM8650 Tablet PC, No Touchscreen 7", No Sound & No battery correct status !!!


Nov 3, 2012
Hello friends !

My tablet was working fine but i am unable to set its brightness- always gives me error, then i decide to install new modroid-v11-lite, After that i have lost my touchscreen, sound & battery right information, otherthings runs fine. Please help me to revive my tablet pc, tell me what to do next to fix touchscreen, sound & battery status.. alway shows 100% :( i have attached original Android Assistant info which is running on modoroid-v11-lite..

Here are some details & specifications:

The Device

* Name: Cherry Funpad Tablet PC C7FP, It's no real company name I think. before flash i saw Android software says its wondermedia 8650..

Technical Specification

* CPU - 800 MHz
* Memory - 256 MB (Android Assistant says: 208 MB)
* NAND - 4 GB
* MicroSD slot
* Screen - 800*480
* Ports: Charger port, headphones (black port), 24 pin port (but on the box is written: 30 pins. So maybe I counted wrong)

Original ROM info

* Kernel:
* Build number: generic-eng2.2 Froyo Ver1.5.3 (i don't know original install version that came with this tablet)

---- Other

* Vibrates on startup (now its not vibrates... or i forgot its vibrating or not)
* Green LED on standby, RED when charging
* 2 point touch screen
* Front camera
* Front LED

---- Android Assistant info (but I don't know if that gives real data - I have installed Modroid rom and maybe this sets wrong data ?)

* Manufacturer: Wondermedia
* Model: WM8650
* Device: thunderg
* Product: thunderg
* Brand: LGE
