Coby Kyros MID7015 Graphics Fix (Angry Birds, Others)

Not sure why your wallpaper would fail.
I went through all the Live Wallpapers. They all work except the Magic Smoke (process which does a FC. I never tried to load that wallpaper prior to installing the GPU fix so I couldn't say for certain it worked previous and the GPU fix broke it.
I very new to android and making modifications to my Coby 7015, which I have updated to the "A" version by applying the Coby update from their site.

I would like to apply this fix so that Angry Birds displays correctly.

I downloaded the fix file, copied it to the root of my sd card and renamed it Is this correct? Do I use the factory update process to apply this file or do I need to apply the Z4root and clockworkmod programs and use clockworkmod to apply the fix file?

Thanks for the help. I know this basic stuff to most of you but the information sharing help on this site is outstanding.
no. you'll need clockworkmod recovery to install the zip. it will fail the signature verification otherwise.
I have two Coby Kyros tablets and found that it worked on one but not the other. The one that didn't work would boot up and seem to work but when you would touch the screen the message bar would flash and you could not access anything else. Anyhow after playing with it for an hour I restored back to the initial save that I did and copied out the files that are changed out by the fix. I then applied the fix and copied back the original build.prop file back into the tablet and everything worked fine. I compared the two files and there was several differences and I'm not going to list them all here. But the Build.prop file said it was a mid7015 not a mid7015a. Anyhow Angry Birds worked find when I was done.
Sounds like we should strip the build.prop from the, and advise people to just use the VM Heapsize changing app instead.

That's why this is beta ;)

Can we have testers for VM Heap Tool from market to see if this works on a freshly rooted Coby? I would appreciate instructions so I can just copy paste into OP.
same thing is happening to mine with the YOUTUBE app, the icon disappeared, but it still works perfectly, and something else is happening which I think is weird. No music player can find my music in either my SD card nor in the NAND directory, not even the one that comes with it. In order to play music now I have to use ASTRO and find the file I want to listen to open it, and in that case any music player will work.
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Use Mortplayer to play music as a workaround. I am guessing the build.prop screwed up a few things for people not running Watery Kyros. That's why I asked people to backup.

Anyways, the OP has been updated.
Please help, I'm having this calibration problem (it doesn't matter where I click on the screen, it does only recognize as if I press the upper right corner - where volume inc button is) but I don't have a backup. How can I fix it?

I rooted and installed clockworkmod recovery and gapps. And then this patch.
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Just installed the fix and Angry Birds now works perfectly, much to my kid's delight.

Opened just about every other app with no detectable new issues. Awesome work!
Thanks Xaueious!

I'm using your universal mali.ko. My system's build number is MID7015 1.6a_20101124-3 without Market.
I checked dalvik.vm.heapsize by using adb
adb pull /system/build.prop /tmp/
gedit /tmp/build.prop
I found dalvik.vm.heapsize=24m so I did not edit anything.

I downloaded the universal zip, copied it to /tmp/ and extracted it in /tmp/ get mali.ko
Then I used adb to make a backup of the existing mali.ko (habit I guess)
adb shell
cd /system/lib/modules
cp mali.ko mali.ko.original
exit back to terminal
Then I copied the new mali.ko in
adb push /tmp/CobyMID7015_GPU_Fix_Universal/system/lib/modules/mali.ko /system/lib/modules/
I used "ls -l" in adb shell to check for new sizes and or dates. The sizes matched exactly which was not what I expected but I guess it means the edit was not extensive, just a settings tweak or two.
Rebooted the system and Angry Birds graphics are complete.
Yeah! My wife says thanks too!

Thanks for posting the md5sum so we know our download is what you uploaded.
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I have a stock 7015A, which I rooted and added clockworkmod and then applied this GPU Fix. Everything works just like stock except that the icons are slightly smaller, a plus in my opinion, and Angry Birds is fixed. Youtube works, calibration works, music and gallery work and find files on the sdcard. This fixed what it was supposed on my Coby and so far did not break anything. :rolleyes:

Thanks to the author.
I have a rooted MID7015a and I updated the rom to Watery Kyros 1.2b and then applied the fix for the watery kyros but everytime I boot it gets locked and doesn't respond unless i hit the reset button. Any ideas please?? :(
1.2b has some issues (the jit code is the main source of the instability). I'm going to try to work on it some this week. Hopefully I'll have something by the weekend.

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