Huawei S7 105 internal SD problems


Nov 3, 2011
Hi to all, I'm joanlgr and I'm new at this forum.

First of all sorry about my english, here in spain we started to late learning english.

Well, I have a new Huawei S7 105, with dual camera and thx to a File explorer, I know that it have an internal SD of ~4Gb. Android says to me that i only have over 200Mb that with the rom and some apps, it's ~full.

Anyone knows how to get all the internal sdcard space, and so let me install more apps?

Thank you.
Do a search on the forums for link2sd which allow up to 2gigs of app storage.

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Android Tablet Forum
I have tried a lot of methods that i found on this forum. When I install link2sd or other app like this, them says: "sdcard not found" :(
Assuming you followed the directions to partition your sd, with link2sd you need to install an earlier verion, say 1.7, which will create the needed scripts, then you can install the latest version.
Hope this helps

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Android Tablet Forum
I can't do nothing with Link2sd 1.7. I need to mount my internal sdcard i think and I don't know how. Now, I only have the system partition where Android is installed, no more partitions. The space is there but i cant mount the sdcard or i don't know how to do it.
You need to mount your memory to PC first. I think that you need to reed more carefully those instruction if you don't want to break your tablet.
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Ouch, I dont know how to mount the memory to the PC. When I connect the tablet to the pc, a new disk appears, but i can't do nothing with him, and programs like Partition Magic don't detect it too :( I'm going to detroy this tablet! xD At least, is a free gift por installing a security camera.
Come on...
Have you read the manual?... At page 14 you can find very accurate information.
This tablet had the manual under application list.
Happy reading.
Sorry for disturbing you. This tablet is a gift from a security enterprise, they didn't give me a manual, and I didn't find any manual on internet.