Terminal Emulator


Jan 4, 2011
I'm having a weird issue with the Terminal Emulator on the S7. After rooting the device, I downloaded and installed the "Android Terminal Emulator" app developed by Jack Palevich. When I run the app, it opens the terminal...awesome! Then when I try to type a command, no matter what command it is...I get "Permission Denied". The other odd thing that might be related is that when I type a command, it automatically capitalizes the first letter of the command. If I try to enter "ls" it comes out as "Ls". Nix is a case sensitive OS so that could be part of my issue. Is there a terminal emulator that just enters commands exactly as I type them without any sort of auto-generate commands feature?
I had the same problem. I think its the keyboard app itself that is causing the problem because it stopped when I installed Swype. Also, I think you get a permission denied any time the command is invalid which would be the case when you type Ls instead of ls.

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I had this problem. The problem is that the commands that you issue in the emulator are case sensitive, and the Huawei key board always caps the first letter. The Huawei keyboard ignores all keyboard settings that you make, including turning that off. Changing the default keyboard in the settings did not work for me. Even if you switch to another keyboard in the settings, like the Android keyboard, the Huawei keyboard is still used. I don't know if it is a bug or just a problem on my machine. Here is how I fixed it. This seems weird, and maybe there another better way to do it, but this worked for me. I installed a third party keyboard called "thick keyboard". If you run this as an app, it will give you a menu that lets you choose the default keyboard; pick the Android keyboard. You can then uninstall thick keys keyboard.
I had this problem. The problem is that the commands that you issue in the emulator are case sensitive, and the Huawei key board always caps the first letter. The Huawei keyboard ignores all keyboard settings that you make, including turning that off. Changing the default keyboard in the settings did not work for me. Even if you switch to another keyboard in the settings, like the Android keyboard, the Huawei keyboard is still used. I don't know if it is a bug or just a problem on my machine. Here is how I fixed it. This seems weird, and maybe there another better way to do it, but this worked for me. I installed a third party keyboard called "thick keyboard". If you run this as an app, it will give you a menu that lets you choose the default keyboard; pick the Android keyboard. You can then uninstall thick keys keyboard.

Weird fix, but I'll do it! Does Swype work pretty well on the S7? I am curious about that. Is it free or paid?
Thanks brachiopod! The thick keys keybord trick did it!

And thanks l_n for the swype info. I'll give that a shot later.