Anyone else suddenly unable to connect to wifi?


Jul 23, 2011
Was connected to wifi last night when I went to bed. Work up this morning and it wouldn't connect either at home or at work. No router settings have changed at either location. Tablet goes through the process of connecting, but continually restarts the process, never actually connecting. I had this same problem back in July, which was fixed by installing the patch acer release. Currently there is not a new patch.
Anyone else have this issue? Additionally, any idea what's causing it? Table software hasn't changed (that I'm aware of), router settings haven't changed.
The same thing started happening to me. My GPS also started to flake out a couple of days ago, then this morning no wifi. Everything else in the house is fine.
Honestly, it's getting old. When I go to my parent's house I have to keep pandora running 24/7 because if it idles too long it will disconnect from wifi and won't reconnect without a restart. My parents got a new router, same issue. I don't know what the deal is with this thing, but it needs to stop.
This is a well known older issue. I believe it has to do with the pref file getting corrupted. The easest way to get it going is to go into your wifi settings and discard all of your saved wifi spots. Then reboot the netbook. You should be able to go in and then select your wifi router and connect and save the info, etc. I had to do this a few times now. Not sure if the issue is in android or acer though.
This happened to me the other day & the only way I was able to fix it was to reboot the wireless router. Don't know why that fixed it, but it did.
This happened to me the other day & the only way I was able to fix it was to reboot the wireless router. Don't know why that fixed it, but it did.

I've had this happen to my routers too, even since way back in my iphone days. Lots of devices waking and sleeping connecting and disconnecting seem to confuse routers. Sleep mode NEVER seems to help.
Okay so I just bought a sony tablet and I tried everything but still no internet connection....has this ever happened to any of you???
Okay so I just bought a sony tablet and I tried everything but still no internet connection....has this ever happened to any of you???

Buying a Sony tablet? No, never happened to me.

Reboot both the router avd the tablet.

But this isn't the Sony forum.
Try reading the manual, and go to the "settings" to adjust your connectivity. I had to go to settings menu and enter in the information manually.

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