Confused about explorer file-application linkage


Feb 5, 2012
I have this TPAD and use the Explorer often to access files I want to work with. On selection a list of applications pops up from which I select the right one.

Now I installed b-noted and after this b-noted appears 9 times in the applications list.

What is going on here? Application problem? Installation problem?

How can I get rid of these superfluous entries, especially the ones which also crash the b-noted application?
Does b-noted show up multiple times in the apps list of the devices OS? If not, then it may be that what looks like 9 apps in Explorer are just the different function packets of the application itself. If you do have the app installed multiple times then you can just long press on the apps you don't want in Explorer and it will pop up a balloon with options, one being Delete.
Does b-noted show up multiple times in the apps list of the devices OS? If not, then it may be that what looks like 9 apps in Explorer are just the different function packets of the application itself. If you do have the app installed multiple times then you can just long press on the apps you don't want in Explorer and it will pop up a balloon with options, one being Delete.
Under 'manage applications' b-noted shows up once in the list.
In the 'Complete action using' list it shows up 9 times. Maybe a hint towrads the problem, Photo Browser which seems to form part of the standard tablet setup, appears twice. I can live with that but b-noted's 9 entries are a bit much.
If it would be diferent function packets I would expect that it would be possible to identify them in the list but all 9 entries look exactly the same.

I guess I'll uninstall it. Thanks for your reply.
I believe I would delete the app then check if the other 8 still show up. If so, then delete them as well and re-install the app. This is a strange one. I've never seen this before. Keep us informed.