Cracking mine open for mod

where did you get the schematics? I'd love to take a look at those. As for the GPS, where on the board is it located? I noticed that right behind the HDMI port's location on the board, there is a small square on the board. Is that where the GPS would go?

In post #3 is the the link to the FCC Filing 'XJN-SYPID7901''XJN-SYPID7901'

The links below don't work, start from the link above to access each of the documents.

OET Exhibits List

16 Matches found for FCC ID 'XJN-SYPID7901'
Block DiagramBlock Diagram12/01/2010pdf12/01/2010
Letter of agencyCover Letter(s)12/01/2010pdf12/01/2010
External PhotosExternal Photos12/01/2010pdf12/01/2010
Label Artwork and LocationID Label/Location Info12/01/2010pdf12/01/2010
Internal PhotosInternal Photos12/01/2010pdf12/01/2010
Technical DescriptionOperational Description12/01/2010pdf12/01/2010
RF SafetyRF Exposure Info12/01/2010pdf12/01/2010
Circuit DiagramSchematics12/01/2010pdf12/01/2010
Test ReportTest Report12/01/2010pdf12/01/2010
6 dB Bandwidth PlotTest Report12/01/2010pdf12/01/2010
Maximum Power Density PlotTest Report12/01/2010pdf12/01/2010
Out Band Antenna Conducted Emission PlotTest Report12/01/2010pdf12/01/2010
Bandedge PlotTest Report12/01/2010pdf12/01/2010
Radiated EmissionTest Setup Photos12/01/2010pdf12/01/2010
Conducted EmissionTest Setup Photos12/01/2010pdf12/01/2010
User ManualUsers Manual12/01/2010pdf12/01/2010
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yep... it seems to be pretty close. It doesnt seem that they made many (if any) spec changes.

The GPS connection points are SW4 next to the power switch on the back of the unit and there are 3 contact points just to the right of that, next to the speaker cut-out (UNDER the wifi card). I am guessing that the GPS unit would have to be mounted somewhere near that area or bridged to the sub-board area.
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Hmmmm. Orientation switch. Just one.

Silver cylilnder, center of the mother board, next to the bottom ribbon connector and processor.

I know there are some units out there that have working auto-rotate and I have a question for those lucky few. Does it only rotate once, meaning from landscape to book-style in one direction only and NOT all the way around?

If so, the one switch would make sense.
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yep... it seems to be pretty close. It doesnt seem that they made many (if any) spec changes.

The GPS connection points are SW4 next to the power switch on the back of the unit and there are 3 contact points just to the right of that, next to the speaker cut-out (UNDER the wifi card). I am guessing that the GPS unit would have to be mounted somewhere near that area or bridged to the sub-board area.

Well they certainly seem interested in packing a bunch of stuff in that one area. Connection points for the GPS antenna would put it right next to the wifi antenna though. Plus you have the speaker right there. We know the wifi causes problems with the speaker... wouldn't the GPS antenna do the same? Would the GPS and Wifi interfere with each other?
Hmmmm. Orientation switch. Just one.

Silver cylilnder, center of the mother board, next to the bottom ribbon connector and processor.

I know there are some units out there that have working auto-rotate and I have a question for those lucky few. Does it only rotate once, meaning from landscape to book-style in one direction only and NOT all the way around?

If so, the one switch would make sense.

Hmmm.... if it's on the EX7 boards then it's something that could in theory be enabled.... cool.
Well they certainly seem interested in packing a bunch of stuff in that one area. Connection points for the GPS antenna would put it right next to the wifi antenna though. Plus you have the speaker right there. We know the wifi causes problems with the speaker... wouldn't the GPS antenna do the same? Would the GPS and Wifi interfere with each other?

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: the more and more I looked at the board, the GPS unit actually looks like it may go UNDER the WIFI card. This may be the reason that they did not include GPS on these units - I.E. Bad design. The switch location is OK. The connect locations, OK. Actual room to mount a GPS, fubar. That was the reason for my comment about "bridging" it over to the sub board and just mount it similar to the way they mounted the WIFI board... double sided tape. I think that they may have tried to go with a hybrid GPS/WIFI board and it just didnt work out. There are some out there, but I havent found one that would be a form factor that is required.
By required form factor you're referring to what will fit inside the case right?

Cause that could potentially be resolved if you know anyone with access to a vaccuform table. I happen to know a few because I'm a costumer. depending on need, could probably get them to do it at low cost or free as experience/practice.
Hmmmm. Orientation switch. Just one.

Silver cylilnder, center of the mother board, next to the bottom ribbon connector and processor.

I know there are some units out there that have working auto-rotate and I have a question for those lucky few. Does it only rotate once, meaning from landscape to book-style in one direction only and NOT all the way around?

If so, the one switch would make sense.

Mine rotates all the way around. I still havent decided for sure which way the factory thought was supposed to be the top.
Mine rotates all the way around. I still havent decided for sure which way the factory thought was supposed to be the top.

Hmmm... kind of answers another question I had.... whether it was a mercury switch or a captive ball switch like this one. They work on resistance vs direct on/off.


The "top" on my non-rotating unit is back 2 switches upper RH and stylus upper LH. All plugs on RH.... Which is pretty cool for us lefties!
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By required form factor you're referring to what will fit inside the case right?

Cause that could potentially be resolved if you know anyone with access to a vaccuform table. I happen to know a few because I'm a costumer. depending on need, could probably get them to do it at low cost or free as experience/practice.

Yep... sorry for the antiquated IBM/Clone PC speak!! Form factor is size and shape of board.
Yep... sorry for the antiquated IBM/Clone PC speak!! Form factor is size and shape of board.

Oh I know. Been doing tech support since 98. Checking to make sure we were on the same page talking about the casing. I*n fact my current job is building PC's.

Again, as I mentioned, modified shell backs could be made. I know usually these things are injection molded, but a thermoformed back could be made and fitted on it... truth be told, the whole casing could be modified. If you don't know anyone nearby that can do the work for you, I know some folks that'd probably be willing to negotiate. Benefits of knowing star wars costumers. They thermoform the storm trooper armor, would just need to make a new mold for them to work with for these units.
Ok, I had some pretty major issues pop up on BOTH of my EX7's and DG replaced both units with NET7's annnndddddd..... I have screw drivers and I have a hard time not cracking stuff open to see the "guts" so here are pics of the "innards" of a NET7:

(these are HUGE pics. I figure tiny pics are worthless looking at chipsets)

Cool! but need a HUGE pic of the salsa... can't really tell the true texture... are those habaneros? :) sweet onion or white? too many questions!
Cool! but need a HUGE pic of the salsa... can't really tell the true texture... are those habaneros? :) sweet onion or white? too many questions!