Downloading Using External Memory Card, Using Memory Card Reader


Jan 7, 2013
We've been getting this question a fair amount lately. By design, nothing can be installed to the MicroSD card. All apps are installed to internal storage. Some apps can have portions of themselves moved to /mnt/sdcard, but again, that's internal space. Fortunately for you, your tablet can support "flipping" the mount points of /mnt/sdcard and /mnt/extsd so /mnt/sdcard points to the MicroSD card. This involves editing a system file, and thus the tablet has to be rooted.

thank you very much for this clarification sir traveller. but its a sad news for me though. however, you give me a light of hope that my tablet can do something. but my big trouble is that i don't understand anything about "flipping mount points" or "editing a system file", i don't even understand what does it mean the need for my tablet to be rooted. because of these, my hope is getting dimmer. i think i have to live with the reality that my 8G external memory will become a useless storage. will just delete some files so as to accomate new ones..


Staff member
Jun 16, 2012
I will give you a great deal of credit, as it takes character to admit not knowing anything related to modifying Android tablets. Too many of our users come here, attempt to root or make changes to their tablets without a clue as to what they are doing, and then proceed to cause irreversible damage to their tablet. You're doing the smart thing by not making the attempt at this time. If you're interested in learning more about rooting and some of the possibilities, there's a sticky I posted at the top of the Generation 3 forums that might be of assistance.

I understand why Google set up the file system the way they did for 4.0, but it's a significant change from 2.3.x and earlier. Sometimes, even I wish they had not changed things, even though I know how to get around it!


Jan 7, 2013
I will give you a great deal of credit, as it takes character to admit not knowing anything related to modifying Android tablets. Too many of our users come here, attempt to root or make changes to their tablets without a clue as to what they are doing, and then proceed to cause irreversible damage to their tablet. You're doing the smart thing by not making the attempt at this time. If you're interested in learning more about rooting and some of the possibilities, there's a sticky I posted at the top of the Generation 3 forums that might be of assistance.

I understand why Google set up the file system the way they did for 4.0, but it's a significant change from 2.3.x and earlier. Sometimes, even I wish they had not changed things, even though I know how to get around it!

... thank you for the credit you give me sir traveller, though i don't feel i deserve it. :) i'm not just a risk-taker on this area, i don't want to ruin one of my daughter's sources of joy after her schooling: playing on her tablet. i don't want to destroy it unwittingly. i took time during my freetime to browse over the different topics here related to my problem, but i honestly feel that i don't understand most of the discussion because of technical terms involved.. hehehe.. i feel so out of place, but i never give up to at least learn something that my mind is capable of absorbing. oh i just remember, i have not yet visited the thread or sticky-topic you mentioned. i need to read it after this posting, although i remember some posts here talks of using Link2SD.. is this useful on my coby tablet? just a thought came in my mind to ask you about this as i fully understand that you are an expert on this matter. thank you sir for referring me to your sticky! God bless!


Staff member
Jun 16, 2012
Your tablet should be able to use the Links2SD app without issues. No guarantees however. Apparently only tablets with a Telechips CPU, which your tablet doesn't have, have significant problems with that app.