Dual Core tablets


Mar 28, 2012
In looking around for first tablet, I see that new tablets are coming onto the market with dual core processors ?? (ie Novo 7 Elf and Aurora and also some new Cubes) so is it better to buy one of the new range of tablets assuming they perform better than the older ones ???


Senior Member
Dec 27, 2011
In reality the newer tablets have quad core processors so dual core may be old hat soon ;)

Her's my take on it. The dial cores are generally faster than the singles and the quads are faster than the duals, but primarily in the quad core arena you won't currently notice a lot of difference except in some games. What you will notice the most is that as developers get ramped up on optimizing for quad core and the duals get more popular you will see apps that will be coming out in the future that simply won't run as well on older processors, particularly the single core processors.

It's always better to grow into the capabilities than to rapidly grow out of it.