gateway tp a60 64gb and intro


Jan 18, 2012
IT weenie for about 15 years
what isnt there for gadgets (gateway laptop - core i5/8gb ram , gateway 64gb tablet with honeycomb), more to come macbook this year, and probably a new tablet or two if the deals are good.
halifax, nova scotia

my real question is can i update my tablet to ice cream sandwich, since i am just new i am scanning the threads for the appropriate place to post or an answer already there, but this being the day and age of instant gratification, i thought i would throw it out here as well.

thanks all


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
Hello, welcome to the forum, glad you decided to join us as a new member. Sounds like you've got quite a collection of toys with more yet to come. I believe your tablet is a re-branded Acer Iconia 500, so the Acer section might be a good place to ask about getting ICS on it. Using the forum search box in the upper left corner of any forum page may also help find whatever threads are already here regarding your tablet. Have fun and enjoy the forum.
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