How Scared is Apple?


Staff member
Sep 24, 2010

So while Apple doesn't have any shiny new toys to show at CES, and they claim that they are not threatened by anything coming from the Android world, they have come out with their own bombshell of a sort.

After AT&T announced almost 20 new and different smartphones planned for release this year at CES, and industry growth now shows Android will pass iOS in 2011, Apple has responded by announcing that effective Friday the 8Gb version of the iPhone 3GS will now be available for $49. You still need to sign that 2-year contract with AT&T and you also have a device that doesn't provide all of the options of the current crop of Androids, but for those that HAVE to have it there you go.

Might as well start giving them away at that price to stop the bleeding...
I'm surprised that aren't offering it for $'s a sure fire way to get people on contract. With Iphone 4 and another pad coming out maybe mid year, people don't care about 3GS except for those on a bit of a budget or are young adults.
Even if Apple PAID me $49 to take an iPhone 3GS I still wouldn't bite if I still had to sign a contract with AT&T. I'm one former customer that carrier will never, ever get back no matter what they offered me.
Even if Apple PAID me $49 to take an iPhone 3GS I still wouldn't bite if I still had to sign a contract with AT&T. I'm one former customer that carrier will never, ever get back no matter what they offered me.

AMEN Brother!!! I used to be with AT&T and WinSlo phones before I saw the light of Android and was able to change to Verizon and have 3G less than a mile away from my home!! AT&T is dead to me and I'm hoping and praying each day that Verizon doesn't make some of the same mistakes.
The iPhone is old already. The UI experience has been matched or surpassed by others, the hardware certainly too. Apple either needs a new product or to start price-slashing the entire iOS line. And they've got to move on from AT&T!
I guess this means Android is good for everyone. Because even apple iphone lovers are getting blessed by the fantastic Android phones. But this doesnt peak my interest at all even if they were 49 dollars on a verizon contract i wouldnt buy it.
If i didnt have to sign a contract to get the deal. I might buy one. Jailbreak, slap some Android or Linux goodness on it and have a nice mobile device. For the measly sum of RO dollars.

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Edit for last post. I meant for the measly sum of 49 dollars. ;-)

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Being a new convert to Android on my HD 2, I would love to have the build quality of an iPhone 4 with android as the is, and not have to be locked into at&t

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